Activity Feed
Replied to thread : full fledged execution on byfron/hyperion (around 40% done)
Replied to thread : {SERVICES} WPF/XAML Apps, Figma concept
this guy is very good at designing uis, his uis are not generic and he puts love and effort into his uis, vouch
Replied to thread : What can i do by learning RUST?
moral of the story:
rust is great for backend but its prefered you just use the traditional js frameworks or just html css js for your frontend
rust is also great for making high performance desktop web apps because of Tauri but the usage of rust in that will not be that high
you can make cool external hax with rust (i havent tried internal ones)
you can also make discord bots with rust using serenity
making games with rust currently isnt a very good idea as the game engines for rust are still not done growing and are like baby engines so its best to just not do rust for games rn
you can also make pretty fast operating systems with rust but im sure you're not going to do that
Replied to thread : Aerion - Full Lua Execution [NOT OUT YET]
that UI of yours is the UI of all time
Replied to thread : [CW] Alawrpar (Novaline Co-Owner) - Attacking WeAreDevs
brother has a seizure whenever he starts talking to someone
also that discord themes great looking
Replied to thread : Retarded Valyse Community
tbh they shouldnt make an api in the first place if they dont want people using it
and second of all dont bully them their community isnt bad the owners are decent people
Replied to thread : [CW] WEAREDEVS BOT RACIST
REAL!!!! WRD BOT must be taken down! It is racist and it is a horrible AI! #getridofwrdbot
Replied to thread : [CW]Salex Techworks Skidding & copying UI
Ffs bro, they copied Delta X's old UI which copied my UI. Amazing to see how the quality decreases each time someone copies my UI.
Replied to thread : How do you make an auto update/bootstrapper or whatnot to your exploit?
first, you want to make 2 executables, one is a launcher and a bootstrapper (ill explain this later) and one is your actual file
i recommend putting your actual file inside of a folder for example a "bin" folder or any folder to be clean
your first executable will act as a caretaker for your actual file, it will check with the server on if your actual file installation is outdated/ if its outdated it will quickly delete all of the files inside of the bin folder, download a zip containing your actual files dlls and the exe, unzip the zip file inside of the bin folder, and boom. how will it check the version? basically just use the traditional way of setting a files version, aka the description of the file.
of course for the first time a user opens this executable they do not possess a installation of the actual file therefore you will need to make it so the 1st file which acts as the launcher checks if the file is there, if its not there it will simply create a bin folder and then download the zip folder and unzip it inside of the bin folder. that should be all.
If you also want to update your boostrapper once in a while and you really really do not trust your users intelligence, you can simply make it so your actual file acts like a boostrapper too to the boostrapper if that makes any sense lol
Replied to thread : How to get the SynapseBlueUI back.
@jex Don't donate to him lol. He didn't do anything.
Created a new thread : How to get the SynapseBlueUI back.
Hello it has been a very long time since the SynapseBlueUI has been deleted by 3ds from the option menu, I know many people hated that user interface but still a ton of people liked it, if you are one of them today is the day for you. The SynapseBlueUI has been remade by and land#1337 as a Synapse X custom UI (this UI cannot be a virus since its open sourced so please don't be a dummy and claim that synapseblueui is a virus) this ui is completely free and you won't need a key for it, anyways if you are intrested please checkout