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Cannot open source file "d3dx9.h" - No such file or directory

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I've got a new error. I added in my C++ project the d3dx9.h thingy and it says a error. It should be working fine as a standard library, shouldn't it? Anyways, how can I fix that? I'm using Visual Studio 2019.

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@boyke it removed the "no such directory", but it still says cannot open source file


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Random quote here...

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You need the DirectX 9 SDK, download and install it and then include and link it in your project, and don't use the directory in the program files directory or whatever, you should use the system environment variable DXSDK_DIR

<!-- for x64 replace x86 with x64 -->
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@boyke Why would u do that bruh...


Install the DirectX SDK and put the path in ur include directory and library directory lol.

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Yeah im getting this too, help.

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Jimmy "The Carpet" Skovic

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other renderers exist and there are better frameworks than imgui

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