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[PHP] Key Generator Release

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Hello kids,

If you really need something called "php key generator" then this is place for u. Just that is weird that you're still making key generators with php, but before u start getting the code in ur thingy then make sure u have a web hoster for example 000webhost cuz it's kinda good. If you already downloaded the key generator then put it in public_html and then it should work (dont rename it or u will break it lol). Now go making those key generators, kidd0z




(bro did u really need it? it's a php code for a web browser lol) 

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the hell is this. make the title "STRING RANDOMIZER" it's literally random string gen.

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It can also be called a key generator don't be so rude ;3

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@SomebodyUntold oh yeah you have a point lmao well atleast make it save  the key on a database (localhost  database or mongo or just sql)

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@MaximusExploit yo chill out

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lemme correct u for a sec

php code runs on a server, so it makes sense to give a VT although i wouldnt do that as you said

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also it wasnt letting me download (wanted to look at the code)

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hmm just that? i think PHP is kinda overkill for it

also keyLength is never used

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Hello, i'm TotallyNotWabz, and i'm not Wabz at all!

DM for key sys.

full time arch user

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the question is how do we

bing bang boom a key sys in our exploit



but how?

idk cuz im dumb as hecc

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shyt nvm i was dumb

do loadstring but is there any other methods than loadstring??

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its cool how you can get a severe depression if no one answers your dm

well thats for me and im having a severe depression by existing and losing friends every minute

getting fat every second :D

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It's actually a question for me too,

I don't really know how to make this

code. I just only know, that you should

use a WebClient, there's no other way.

Also, you can customize the page as you

wish and then it should be lookng more cool

than before it was. Thank you for replies.

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Proffesional C# Developer

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