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Replied to thread : [HELP] StringValue Change with script

@RealNickk,nvm bro this is so simp, i just saw wrong fodler in dex loool
now it works, i used:

game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerData.Items.KillEffects.Equipped.Value = "Let Him Cook"

Replied to thread : [HELP] StringValue Change with script

@RealNickk, could u re-script then, cuz i tried lots of ways to make it work

Replied to thread : [HELP] StringValue Change with script

@RealNickk, like i made this:

local mt = getrawmetatable(game);
local old_index = mt.__index;

mt.__index = function(a, b)
if tostring(a) == "Equipped" then -- Name of IntValue object
if tostring(b) == "Value" then
return "Let Him Cook"; -- How much the value will be
return old_index(a, b);

but when i execute this value applies to all players on the server, could u remake this to work noly with localplayer?thx

Created a new thread : [HELP] StringValue Change with script

so i wanted to change the value of stringvalue with a script, here is a screen of a value position that i need to change: screen(i need to change the value of equipped stringvalue)

Replied to thread : Cheese Escape (GET ALL CHEESE)

@Space  kavo is the easiest*

Replied to thread : [HELP] Webhook Notify

@Nolix for know when users execute my script

Replied to thread : [HELP] Webhook Notify


is this good?

HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
Webhook_URL = "my webhook"

local response = request or http_request or (http and http.request) or (syn and syn.request)(
Url = Webhook_URL,
Method = 'POST',
Headers = {
['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
Body = HttpService:JSONEncode({
["content"] = "",
["embeds"] = {{
["title"] = "**Your script has been executed**",
["description"] = game.Players.LocalPlayer.DisplayName.." has executed the script",
["type"] = "rich",
["color"] = tonumber(0xffffff),
["fields"] = {
["name"] = "Hardware ID:",
["value"] = game:GetService("RbxAnalyticsService"):GetClientId(),
["inline"] = true

Replied to thread : [HELP] Webhook Notify

discord webhook i mean

Created a new thread : [HELP] Webhook Notify

Anyone have ideas how to make webhook that notifies you when someone executed your script(must work with free exploits)