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Replied to thread : Is There Any Way To Launch the Exploit on Not Roblox.exe? You Know what i mean(instead of the default roblox file is there any way to launch it on another process?)

@Abhidjt You mean something similar to Roblox exploits, like dll injection?

If that's the case, then yes, those exists, which allows you to inject softwares/programs other than roblox itself

Replied to thread : synapse x is a virus

People still use McAfee?

Created a new thread : Looking for alternative API to temporarily switch with

I apologize if this is a selfish request (I also don't know if this was the right place to post this thread), do anyone know any exploit APIs that doesn't have a key system (or something that is equivalent to WRD API) that they could recommend me with?

Currently looking for alternative since WRD API is currently down, and all other APIs I knew had key system in it and I had a strong aversion to them for personal reasons

Any suggestions, recommendations or replies are appreciated, thanks in advance

Replied to thread : WRD Api issue

Yeah, I knew that'd be the case, also even found out that the Exploits page and some programs that use WRD Api had fixes pending (I am extremely late to realize this lol), thank you for confirming it though

Replied to thread : WRD Api issue

@gamerG Noted, might have to disable both antivirus and firewall later (both executor and link were whitelisted though), as for VPN, it'll be a last resort

For now, I'll have to know what happened first

Created a new thread : WRD Api issue

When I inject (with outdated files), the injector throws a 'missing module' error

Injecting again (without outdated files, triggering auto-update), I get '(403) forbidden error' exception


I don't know what caused it to be inaccessible/forbidden all of a sudden, which prevented me from updating the executor

I'm not sure if this is related to the issue, but when I checked, I found that the download link for latest exploit-main.dll (from this source) is down

The link was accessible prior to latest roblox update though, maybe the file in original link was deleted and replaced by another new one, I don't know

Lemme know if something happened, any replies are appreciated, thanks in advance

Edit: Moved to WRD Exploit API category since this issue & thread is related to WRD API

Replied to thread : Universal Client-side Aim-Assist (or Aimbot) [Updated]

Script updated, made minor changes in the code, and removed some unnecessary characters in the script, now it won't exceed WRD Thread's 8k character limit and removed some links, and can now post the full code directly in the thread

Edit: Re-updated with minor changes (again), slightly different method to lock-on to players, I didn't know it could be simplified like that with using function's paremeter feature, and because of that, the character amount reduced from above 10k, to 7k, and to 6k, gonna use it to the fullest

Replied to thread : Chat command

@Produde69420123 I haven't heard of Swagmode yet, so I'm not sure if it works or not, I did try searching for it and saw this (short version), it uses the same Player.Chatted event so I can't tell you if it'll work or not, hope this helps

Edit: As for premium version, I don't know how it works since it's obfuscated and was only made exclusively for Da Hood, perhaps it was using a different method other than Player.Chatted since you said it works

Replied to thread : [Scripting Tutorial] Easy way to defeat spammy remote events

How does the specific event constantly running impact you though? Does it cause performance issues whenever it spams?

Replied to thread : Chat command

Here, maybe this was you're looking for?

local Players		=	game:GetService ("Players");
local LocalPlayer	=	Players.LocalPlayer;
local TriggerMsg	=	"Whatever message you want to put here";	--Triggers a teleport function if this string matches to the player's chat message
local Destination	= (0,0,0);	--Change this to whatever destination you want the player to teleport at

--Teleports the player to certain destination/position
local function Teleport (Player)
	--Checks if player's character exist, it won't teleport the player if it's dead or hasn't loaded yet
	if (Player ~= nil and Player.Character ~= nil) then
		local TargetPosition	=	Player.Character:GetPivot ();
		Player.Character:PivotTo  (TargetPosition + (Destination.Position - TargetPosition.Position + (0,0,0))); (0,0,0) is an offset that you can modify;

local function Chat (Player)
	--Listens to other player's messages
	Player.Chatted:Connect (function (Message)
		--Checks if the message matches with your certain code-word/trigger message
		if (string.match (string.lower (Message), string.lower (TriggerMsg)) ~= nil) then
			Teleport (Player);

--Checks for existing players
for _, Player in pairs (Players:GetPlayers ()) do
	if (Player ~= LocalPlayer) then
		Chat (Player);
--Checks for joining players
Players.PlayerAdded:Connect (function (Player)
	if (Player ~= LocalPlayer) then
		Chat (Player);

Note: This should be used on your own game, it won't work as an exploit since Player.Chatted isn't gonna return an output if used on client anymore

Replied to thread : Chat command

Oh wait, I think I misread the main thread text, so you mean make the script listen to other player's messages and make them teleport to certain CFrame if they say it?
If you're gonna use it on your own game, it'll work (with some modifications, replacing LocalPlayer with Player), though using it for an exploit won't work, because I experienced that issue

Replied to thread : Chat command

Would this work? Can't guarantee it'll work, sorry if that's the case

local Players		=	game:GetService ("Players");
local LocalPlayer	=	Players.LocalPlayer;
local Command		=	"/tp"; --Change whatever style you want, like (;tp or ;tp)

--Teleports to the player mentioned by your command
local function Teleport (Player)
	--Checks if both you and your target's character exist
	if (Player ~= nil and Player.Character ~= nil and LocalPlayer.Character ~= nil) then
		local CurrentPosition	=	LocalPlayer.Character:GetPivot ();	--Your character's CFrame position
		local TargetPosition	=	Player.Character:GetPivot ();	--Your Target's character's CFrame position
		LocalPlayer.Character:PivotTo  (CurrentPosition + (TargetPosition.Position - CurrentPosition.Position + (0,0,0))); (0,0,0) is an offset that you can modify;

--Checks the name list of existing players
local function CheckPlayer (Message)
	for _, Player in pairs (Players:GetPlayers ()) do
		if (Player ~= LocalPlayer) then
			if (string.match (string.lower (Message), string.lower (Player.Name)) ~= nil or string.match (string.lower (Message), string.lower (Player.DisplayName)) ~= nil or string.match (string.lower (Message), Player.UserId) ~= nil) then
				return Player;	--Returns an existing player
				return nil;	--Returns nothing

--Listens for your chat messages
LocalPlayer.Chatted:Connect (function (Message)
	--Check if the sent chat message was a command
	print ("Message sent: " .. tostring (Message));
	if (string.match (string.lower (Message), string.lower (Command)) ~= nil) then
		print ("Command detected in message");
		local Player	=	CheckPlayer (Message);	--Returns either an existing player, or nil
		if (Player ~= nil) then
			print ("Player found, teleporting...");
			Teleport (Player);

--Indicates that the script works, press F9 in-game to see if it's loaded or not 
print ("Loaded!");

What this does:
1.) It'll listen to your chat messages and see if your message is a command by matching it with "/tp" command.
2.) If "/tp" is detected in your messages, it will check the additional text along with the "/tp", like "/tp genericusername123" and see if that player exist

3.) It tries to match player's identification (Player.Name, Player.DisplayName, and Player.UserId), if the mentioned name matches to the existing player, it'll trigger the teleport function
4.) Teleport function moves your whole character to the same place where the target player's character is also located

Replied to thread : Universal Client-side Aim-Assist (or Aimbot) [Updated]

@WallyRBLX Yeah, part of my bad habit, my bad 😅

Replied to thread : Universal Client-side Aim-Assist (or Aimbot) [Updated]

Short Answer: Maybe, I guess

Long Answer: It was intended to be working for any game since the title has 'Universal' in it, though I can't guarantee it'll work in some games that patches this, like Zombie Stories and Phantom Forces (Just one of few examples), how this exploit detects characters is by checking its existing humanoid, so if games like Phantom Forces uses different method that makes character work without a humanoid in it, this exploit will need some bit of modification, though that'll defeat the purpose of it being universal, so maybe I'll consider adding a feature where you can manually mark a specific part to lock-on with and apply to other similar parts in future (maybe, I hope)
But as for now, Roblox will usually have players with humanoid in their characters by default, so it should work fine with games that aren't much 'secured', I guess

Replied to thread : Silent Aim but without the need of Remote Events?

@_realnickk Interesting idea, thank you for your suggestion, didn't realize you could spoof it that way with that method