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and what's the fun of hating a person if he tries to change?

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Joined: Aug, 2023

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not well, I understand I screwed up Volt there, xD, but why spoil the reputation if it can 't be canceled and also write " link to my old account " in the reason ? not well for ak if it's a shame, I'm too lazy to regat already.. Evo, I'm not talking about you, you're a normal kid. but just why it to write so also a strange such reason in - reputation? for example, write that I wrote something wrong, etc., what's the point of writing this "I know it's you"

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I'm starting a new life, and now I don't suffer from strange things saying "I'm looking for an API" so please don't criticize me.. and I'm sorry that if I said about the reputation incorrectly, and who can, add 1 reputation to someone who is not difficult to be honest

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Joined: Jul, 2023

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what about your messages that you will leak source volt?))


TIILLGAMES -1 Reputation


Dude, I started a new life, I said it in plain text

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Who are yall and what is going on :skull:

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Stop pestring people about how to add a API or how to use a API. W Quinn:


TIILLGAMES -1 Reputation


@yvneEvny open your eyes please, or are you that stupid?

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This is stupid

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Exploits i own:

Script-Ware (Down rn) Electron (UWP) Shadow (UWP)

i dont use verm that much so dont contact me there

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