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[Source code] IPv4 scanner written in pure C.

Posts: 139

Threads: 28

Joined: Feb, 2021

Reputation: 3


Was bored so I decided to write a faster version of Angry IP scanner.


I call it iSpy. It's multithreaded (supports hundreds of threads), and allows you to log all online hosts to a file. You can also find tons of WiFi network log-in pages, camera login pages, and even Minecraft servers. I'm guessing most of them use default usernames and passwords, but I haven't tried it since I'm not trying to get into any sort of trouble.


I don't recommend you to use iSpy to find vulnerable servers so that you can hack them, and I am NOT responsible for what you do with iSpy.


I haven't put a license on the repository yet, so that means that all rights are reserved. But soon, i'll add an open-source license to it.

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Contribute to Express, an open-source ROBLOX exploit written fully in C.

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Joined: Jun, 2023

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looks good, i'm still pretty new soo.


lilbiden69 3 Reputation





i m  t y p i n g  t h i s  h e r e  b e c a u s e  o f  c h a r a c t e r  l i m i t

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Posts: 517

Threads: 41

Joined: May, 2020

Reputation: 4


nice work Content length must be 10-5000 chars

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nltr | Xaml & C# Developer Former Fluxus Administrator
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