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Can you get logged by a logger without even running it?


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Ok so I got a message from this known dude who I talked to before and he said,


"Yes ok so this is my api builder"


and then he explains what it is and it's apparently a roblox exploit api builder, and yes great and all that stuff he sent a mediafire link to download it and obviously I am not that dumb to immediately just download it and run it. So I told him to give me a screenshot of the software and this is what he gave.



So if you know you know what that is, that's the NEW roblox creator dashboard page (that's the api key page)

so he tried to trick me by trying to make me think that's his app so of course I said "since when did roblox come into this LMAO"

guess what he replied with "i skidded the website cuz I hate html" how when did HTML come into this?


Anyways, lets cut to the point. He sent me the link so I downloaded it. (I didnt open it) So I tried to view it's source code but I realized it was obfuscated so therefore I couldn't do anything (i know nothing about deobfuscation). And yea I didn't open it anyway so do you think that logged me cause he says "when you download it, it logs you automatically" from my experience I don't think that's possible.


Also heres the download link,


pwease deobfuscate it if you can and spam the webhook and delete it


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spam my webhook I dare you

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I'm curious about the function of an API Builder. What exactly would it do? However, in response to your question, the answer is no. It's not possible to use any application remotely without first running it locally.

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