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How to send app servers offline with bluestacks?


Owner of Xenon [BETA]


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Joined: Mar, 2022

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I want to use Bluestacks, to go onto online chatrooms such as Yubo, Three, LMK etc. and lag it off so no one can do it. Can someone please explain how? 

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I just need to learn how to get the IP I already paid for a stresser

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professional exploiter

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It is essential to note that engaging in actions that disrupt or harm online chatrooms or servers, such as attempting to take them offline, is both severely unethical and illegal. If such actions cause companies to incur financial losses, they may resort to legal action against the offender. However, suppose you are interested in pursuing ethical hacking. In that case, you can start by learning about the basics of security vulnerabilities, their types, and how they can be exploited. You can access resources such as blogs, YouTube videos, and forums for this purpose.


It is crucial to practice ethical hacking in a safe and controlled environment. Using virtual machines (VM) is a great option for testing your skills without causing any real-world harm. You can set up your lab with vulnerable systems or use pre-built ones like Metasploitable, OWASP Juice Show, or Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA). It is also important to use reliable tools such as vulnerability scanners, network analyzers, and exploitation frameworks, including Nmap, Metasploit, Wireshark, and Burp Suite.


If you want to participate in ethical hacking for fun or profit, bug bounty programs are a great option. Several companies offer bug bounty programs, allowing you to legally and ethically test their systems and report vulnerabilities for a reward. Popular bug bounty programs include HackerOne, Bugcrowd, and Synack.


Finally, staying informed about the latest security news and updates, attending security conferences, and joining security communities will help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and learn from other professionals. It is crucial to emphasize that ethical hacking must be done with proper authorization, within legal and ethical boundaries, and without causing harm to any person or entity.

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I am not very proficient in English, so I use AI to improve it.


Owner of Xenon [BETA]


Posts: 217

Threads: 26

Joined: Mar, 2022

Reputation: -19


@Sorvox, i ain't readin allat

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professional exploiter

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