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C++ Kernel Mode Driver

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This driver is not meant to be used in any real applications as it is not adequate for them ( easily detected ), it's meant to simply be a basic kernel mode driver which reads and writes from/to processes. This was an educational experience for me and hopefully for anyone who reads this and the code.


I had sort of forgot about this project, and decided to make a few changes to it and release it publicly. Note that this is my first kernel mode driver and it's meant to be a simple one, with basic features and it does not mitigate any detection vectors, with that being said, here's the github link, and some preview of the code:

#pragma once
#include "includes.h"

namespace major_functions
	/// <summary>
	/// IRP_MJ_CREATE Major Function
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name=""></param>
	/// <param name="irp_ptr"></param>
	/// <returns></returns>
	NTSTATUS mj_create( DEVICE_OBJECT*, IRP* irp_ptr )
		util::log( "%s", "MJ_CREATE Major Function called." );

		// denying handle if connection with user-mode process already established
		if( driver_globals::connection_initialized )
			util::log( "%s", "Cannot establish connection with 2 user-mode processes at once." );
		irp_ptr->IoStatus.Information = 0;
		irp_ptr->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

		IofCompleteRequest( irp_ptr, IO_NO_INCREMENT );
	/// <summary>
	/// IRP_MJ_CLOSE Major Function
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name=""></param>
	/// <param name="irp_ptr"></param>
	/// <returns></returns>
	NTSTATUS mj_close( DEVICE_OBJECT*, IRP* irp_ptr )
		util::log( "%s", "MJ_CLOSE Major Function called." );
		// resetting for preparation for a new user-mode process to establish a connection to.
		driver_globals::connection_initialized = false;
		driver_globals::um_process.um_process = nullptr;
		driver_globals::um_process.um_process_id = 0;

		irp_ptr->IoStatus.Information = 0;
		irp_ptr->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS;

		IofCompleteRequest( irp_ptr, IO_NO_INCREMENT );
	/// <summary>
	/// This function is responsible for dispatching and initializing connections with user-mode processes. 
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name=""></param>
	/// <param name="irp_ptr"></param>
	/// <returns></returns>
	NTSTATUS mj_ioctl_dispatcher( DEVICE_OBJECT*, IRP* irp_ptr )
		util::log( "%s", "MJ_IOCTL_HANDLER Major Function called." );

		const auto irp_stack_location = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( irp_ptr );
		const auto ctl_code = irp_stack_location->Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode;

		// check for valid control codes.
		if( ( ctl_code != ioctl_codes::read_code ) && ( ctl_code != ioctl_codes::write_code ) && ( ctl_code != ioctl_codes::init_connection_code ) )
			util::log( "%s %i", "Invalid control code passed as DeviceIoControl parameter. Returning STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER. Control Code: ", ctl_code );

		util::log( "%s %i", "Io Control Code Passed: ", ctl_code );
		// initializing/establishing connection with user-mode process.
		if( ctl_code == ioctl_codes::init_connection_code )
			if( driver_globals::connection_initialized )
				util::log( "%s %i", "Connection with user-mode process already established." );
			util::log( "%s", "INITIALIZE_CONNECTION control code passed. Initializing connection with user-mode process." );
			const auto um_process_id = *static_cast< unsigned long* >( irp_ptr->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer );
			const auto um_process_lookup_res = PsLookupProcessByProcessId( reinterpret_cast< HANDLE >( um_process_id ), &driver_globals::um_process.um_process );

			if( um_process_lookup_res != STATUS_SUCCESS )
				util::log( "%s %i", "PsLookupProcessByProcessId failed. Error code: ", um_process_lookup_res );
				return um_process_lookup_res;
			driver_globals::um_process.um_process_id = um_process_id;
			driver_globals::connection_initialized = true;
			util::log( "%s", "Connection with user-mode process established. KM_READ and KM_WRITE now available." );

		if( !driver_globals::connection_initialized )
			util::log( "%s %i", "Cannot use KM_READ or KM_WRITE until connection with user-mode process is established." );

		const auto& [ target_process_id, rw_length, write_to, read_from ] = *static_cast< structs::vmem_arg_t* > ( irp_ptr->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer );
		PEPROCESS target_process{ nullptr };
		const auto target_proc_lookup_res = PsLookupProcessByProcessId( reinterpret_cast< HANDLE >( target_process_id ), &target_process );

		if( target_proc_lookup_res != STATUS_SUCCESS )
			util::log( "%s %i", "PsLookupProcessByProcessId call failed. Error code: ", ctl_code );
			return ctl_code;

		if( ctl_code == ioctl_codes::read_code )
			util::log( "%s", "KM_READ Called.\n" );
			return util::memory::KM_READ( target_process, read_from, write_to, rw_length );

		util::log( "%s", "KM_WRITE Called.\n" );
		return util::memory::KM_WRITE( target_process, read_from, write_to, rw_length );
	/// <summary>
	/// This function is responsible for cleaning up.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="driver_object_ptr"></param>
	void DriverUnload( DRIVER_OBJECT* driver_object_ptr )
		util::log( "%s", "DriverUnload callback called. Cleaning up the driver." );
		IoDeleteSymbolicLink( &driver_globals::driver_device::dos_device_name );
		IoDeleteDevice( driver_object_ptr->DeviceObject );
		ObfDereferenceObject( &driver_globals::um_process.um_process );
		util::log( "%s", "DriverUnload call complete." );


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Posts: 140

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Joined: Feb, 2021

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@87922 it's an extension to an operating system's kernel


in an OS, you have:




The bootloader loads the kernel, the kernel manages memory allocation, system calls, etc.

The userspace is just programs, for example, the graphical window system on windows is userspace stuff.


making a kernel driver is like adding more code to the kernel.


@luxiferrwoo please correct me if I'm wrong

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I could actually use this example to make  a ROBLOX exploit that doesn't get bothered by any antiviruses

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Contribute to Express, an open-source ROBLOX exploit written fully in C.

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