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help me my v3rm acc is banned
i created it in 2021 and after creating it, i forgot all about it until i tried to log back in. After which I was banned for "malicious user".
So then I had my guy @atari help me look into it. It says I was a multiaccounter, which is not true.
Here are some of the accounts listed here:
I do not know who these people are and I need help.
Please go to the v3rmillion discord server and get me the id of some staff member you know and tell them to message me @ pikachu21#9176 or just give me their id so I can message them. Or you can tell me the support email that I can contact.
Exploits I own: Synapse x
Side exploits: JJSploit
Selling a Disney plus account msg me if interested thru discord thx
My account always gets banned due to malicious something.
Like if I don't get onto my account in a longtime I get banned?!?!
I posted like 1 thread which got deleted because "The thread that I posted was in the wrong section"
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Exploits I own: Synapse x
Side exploits: JJSploit
Selling a Disney plus account msg me if interested thru discord thx
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