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CERIUM - New Roblox Exploit (KRNL API)

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The ui is dog crap, the only people who are going to download this are skids. You could've atleast skidded the ui from a "How to make a wpf UI" on youtube which would've looked way better, your not getting anywhere with this unless you got your own dll with a couple of functions and can update it quickly. The UI is so unoriginal. Your logo is just a C with a shade at the buttom, at least add some style like fluxus did. Goodluck, People are ruthless here.

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" Not looking to advertise it. Just decided to release it here."


You say this as if you intended to help people by "releasing" an exploit which is quite literally just a patched api and a bunch of free scripts that are probably on the edge of being patched, Several things are wrong with this thread, Let me point them out for you.


1. "Decent" UI, everything in the UI itself is larger than its supposed to be or out of place, Its quite possibly the ugliest UI i've ever seen.


2. "Auto Updating" It most certainly is not, If someone has an auto updating exploit, It means the exploit updates in like 10 minutes, You do not work on this exploit at all nor have you done your own research, KRNL is most definitely NOT auto updating.


3. "Bootstrapper" The most unnecessary and buggy part of an exploit, You had no reason to add this, Not even KRNL has a bootstrapper, It's definitely not something to show off.


4. A key system, You say you dont want to advertise this exploit but instead meant to release it, But theres literally a key system? You obviously expected to earn money off of this from free advertising on forums, But hey, Its definitely not an advertisement, right? 

5. "Scripthub" Legit copy of KRNL's script hub.


6. You posted this when it was PATCHED and a week away from being updated. Who in their right mind does this? Pretty suspicious.


7. "CODE IS OBFUSCATED." You had no reason to obfuscate this, Its literally just a patched krnl api and a trash "decent" winforms UI, Even more suspicious.


8. "Paid Scripts Support!" KRNL doesnt have full support for every script as you mentioned, Most of the time half the features on paid scripts dont work unless there is a version that was made to work on KRNL, Even then the scripts would work slower than the original version of a paid script. This includes the fact that you said it executes them "bug-free"


Doubt anyone would want to use this instead of the actual thing, This is a degraded version of KRNL that doesnt have a real purpose except for making money off of free advertisements, This is literally just a trasher and uncreative version of KRNL.


Skidding would've left you off better, You've already obfuscated so why not, right? (foreshadowing😱😱😱😱😱)

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@69415There are other people that more time into there uis and more time making it the best exploit. It looks like you did nothing. I could make that ui in prob in 10 minutes tops. You didn't bring anything that is unqiue enough to be called a exploit deserving of a key. Why obfuscated when now one is going to use it. I can make a better exploit in prob a day.

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