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So. I'm pregnant...
Am I Pwegant?
Am I pwagnent?
Am i pawgant?
Am i gwegnant?
Am i pagnate?? Hewp!?
Is thewe a possibwy that i'm pegwent?
Am I pwegegnant ow am I okay?
Couwd I be pwegonate?
How do I know if I'M pwengan?
Can i be pwwegnant?
Can u get pwegante...?
Can u bweed whiwe u awe pewgewt?
Can u down a 20 foot watewswide pegnat?
How can I get my gf pwagnet?
What happen when get pewgenat?
How can a nineyeaw owd get pwangnet?
Wiww my get pwagnan?
What is the best time to swex to be come pwegnawt
Does any one know how many teens get bwegant a yeaw????
Awe these systoms of being pwegawnt?
Giwwfwiend aint had pewiod since she got pwegat?
Is it possibwe having swex to a 8 months fwegnant?
If a woman has stawch mawks on hew- wait- If a women has stawch masks on hew body does that mean she has been pawgnet befowe.?
My ciwcwe is nomaw,but yet i stiww dont get peegnant.wat can i use.?
Has anybody got pewgnut by just pwecum whiwe using biwth contwow?
Did most you women FEEW pgwenant befowe find out?
I am pwaganant wast 5 week so can i stawt swex?
Dangewops pwangent swex? wiww it huwt baby top of his head?
Me and my boyfwiend awe tying to get pwefnat and j havent took my biwth contwow in 12 days?
38+2 weeks... PWEGANANANT?
I think my dog is pwegewnet???
Can i get pwengt if he had a comdom on?
How wong can u got being pwognant to get an abowtian?
I think I'm pwetnet with my 14th chiwd?
"Sometimes, giving up is better than trying for hours to achieve nothing."
- Xeon, 2021
To know where you're headed, you must know where you been.
Life is like a pear, except the pear is not real.
I am a used-to-be programmer, now producer, rapper and artist
"Sometimes, giving up is better than trying for hours to achieve nothing."
- Xeon, 2021
To know where you're headed, you must know where you been.
Life is like a pear, except the pear is not real.
"Sometimes, giving up is better than trying for hours to achieve nothing."
- Xeon, 2021
To know where you're headed, you must know where you been.
Life is like a pear, except the pear is not real.
"Sometimes, giving up is better than trying for hours to achieve nothing."
- Xeon, 2021
To know where you're headed, you must know where you been.
Life is like a pear, except the pear is not real.
@_realnickk no i do it
Can you stop with the sh!tposts please
@notdarkn | Coco Z Manager | Resigned Fluxus Support
Executors I currently use: Synapse X | Script-Ware M | Sentinel V3 (Soon)
"Sometimes, giving up is better than trying for hours to achieve nothing."
- Xeon, 2021
To know where you're headed, you must know where you been.
Life is like a pear, except the pear is not real.
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