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OuiSom89 (OuiSom89)

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Joined: Aug, 2022

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Hello I am OuiSom89. I develop in luau and python.




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Created a new thread : Need help for new feature for my script.

Hello, I ask you if I could add, or even report me found bugs


Replied to thread : Help my with readfile function pls

@65954Yes it's good I created a second file for the table

Replied to thread : [REQ] Move camera to a certain position

Replied to thread : 268 NEED HELP

AppData\Local\Roblox delet all .xml and go to AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-3b33190189084158 to delet a last .xml

Replied to thread : Help my with readfile function pls

@65954And I can make sure to put 2 tables in the same file?

Replied to thread : Help my with readfile function pls

@Whoman And if during the script I want to add a new variable or change the value in the variable I do how?

Replied to thread : Help my with readfile function pls

@89667It's not very hard if you code in the Roblox editor but when you use the exploit APIs it's difficult because the functions date from 2017 and are not very easy to understand how to use them either it's poorly explained or it's buggy

Created a new thread : Help my with readfile function pls

Good evening I would like to be able to store variables with true or false and then be able to call them in my script but I have the impression that the machine takes its just for text and not code

My Script

writefile("Skins.lua","SkinsBarreA = true\nSkinsBulletA = true\nSkinsBrickA = true\nSkinsFondA = true")
if SkinsBarreA then
print("SkinsBarreA it's true")
if SkinsBulletA then
print("SkinsBulletA it's true")

Created a new thread : Help me Calculator

Hello I created a calculator and I started to make the script that will calculate the formula written in the script and here is the result. It works with 2 operator but when I calculate 15 + 5-20 + 3 it sends me 23 I have another version or I created a debug dessu se that it allows to see where is the problem. And the problem is that once it is 20 - 20 it finds 0 but does not register it in the variable. Could you help me with his please?

Script -->


local str = "5+15-20+3"
local target = string.byte("+")
local target2 = string.byte("-")
local target3 = string.byte("*")
local target4 = string.byte("/")
local v1 = 0
local x = 0
local nombre = {}
local operateur = {}
local Resultat = 0

for v = 1, #str do
    if str:byte(v) == target or str:byte(v) == target2 or str:byte(v) == target3 or str:byte(v) == target4 then
        table.insert(nombre, string.sub(str, v1+1, v-1))
        v1 = v
        x = x+1
        if str:byte(v) == target then
            table.insert(operateur, 1)
        elseif str:byte(v) == target2 then
            table.insert(operateur, 2)
        elseif str:byte(v) == target3 then
            table.insert(operateur, 3)
        elseif str:byte(v) == target4 then
            table.insert(operateur, 4)
table.insert(nombre, string.sub(str, v1+1, #str))
for c = 1,x,1 do
	if Resultat == 0 then
		if operateur[c] == 1 then
    	    		Resultat = nombre[c] + nombre[c+1]
    		elseif operateur[c] == 2 then
    	    		Resultat = nombre[c] - nombre[c+1]
    		elseif operateur[c] == 3 then
    	    		Resultat = nombre[c] * nombre[c+1]
    		elseif operateur[c] == 4 then
    	    		Resultat = nombre[c] / nombre[c+1]
    		if operateur[c] == 1 then
    	    		Resultat = Resultat + nombre[c+1]
    		elseif operateur[c] == 2 then
    	    		Resultat = Resultat - nombre[c+1]
    		elseif operateur[c] == 3 then
    	       		Resultat = Resultat * nombre[c+1]
    		elseif operateur[c] == 4 then
			Resultat = Resultat / nombre[c+1]

Thanks in advance.

Replied to thread : hello, I need help please.

@53326I started to make a script to see what it returns to me but when I print it tells me that
my script :

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local url = ""..861877418

reponse = HttpService:GetAsync(url)
info = HttpService:JSONDecode(reponse)



response to script :

Http requests can only be executed by game server
Stack Begin
Script '', Line 5
Stack End

but I can access it by a link and have but answer manually " " so I wonder if it would not be possible to have the answer by making a request without going through the game in another language. But if I do that I still have the problem of how to write in a language other than the luau. Can you tell me how I can do to make a script in another language executable by an exploit please

Replied to thread : hello, I need help please.

@_realnickk I can't really understand what you said to me, can you tell me again step by step please

Created a new thread : hello, I need help please.

you can join friends via a script but I was wondering if it's possible to join a person without having them as a friend. that is possible ? If yes could you help me to make this script or tell me how we can do this please.


Created a new thread : simple and compact key system

hello I created a key system a long time ago using the roblox console. You can modify as you wish, add commands if necessary and ask me for help if necessary.
My discord --> OuiSom89#7276

function p(txt)-- function "p" which will write "[CONSOLE] >> " to each message written by the console
    rconsoleprint("\n[CONSOLE] >> "..txt)

function incorrect_commande()
p("incorrect command try again")

function imputted_commande()

    local inputted_commande_function = rconsoleinput()
    if inputted_commande_function == "OuiSom89"then
        p("correct key. Thanks for using this script.\n[CONSOLE] >> The key is correct, if you used krnl I invite you to do the \"Close\" command Otherwise I invite you to minimize the console. --> ")
        writefile("key_sys", "OuiSom89")
    elseif inputted_commande_function == "Close" then
        rconsoleclear()-- clear console
        rconsoleclose()-- close the console only with krnl synapse does not have this functionality for the other exploits I don't care
    elseif inputted_commande_function == "Restart" then
        Start()-- reboot script
    elseif inputted_commande_function == "Discord" then
        p("The discord link is copied to your clipboard. --> ")
    elseif inputted_commande_function == "Key_Link" then
        p("The key link is copied to your clipboard. --> ")
    else p("incorrect command try again. --> ")
function Start()-- The script is made using functions to be able to start again at any time
    rconsolename("key system")-- change console name
    rconsoleclear()-- clear console
    p("Hello, before proceeding to the verification of the key I give you the commands of the bot which could be useful to you.\n[CONSOLE] >> Command : Close(only with krnl), Restart, Discord, Key_Link.\n[CONSOLE] >> I will check if you have used this script before.\n[CONSOLE] >> Wait 1second.")
    if isfile("key_system") == true then--function that returns true if the "key_systel" file is present
        p("The key is correct, if you used krnl I invite you to do the command \"Close\" and other if necessary, otherwise I invite you to minimize the console. --> ")
        imputted_commande()--redirect to function above
    else p("I don't see any trace of you using this script I invite you to use the Key_Link command to have the link of the key which will be copied into your clipboard. --> ")
--Made by OuiSom89