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Xen80 (Xën#1337)

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Joined: Nov, 2020

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Replied to thread : Help understanding how bypassing keysystem's work

redirect web traffic? idk

Replied to thread : Anyone remember me?

everyone remembers you

Replied to thread : Fly script isn't working

windows 10 is free btw

Replied to thread : What would you do since big war is about to start

i live in ukraine and have been here 90% of my life but im still chillin

Replied to thread : Addys/Addresses For version-7d72b8c1be984938

melly whats ur discord

Created a new thread : add my new discord uwu

discord disabled my account :( rip frank gaming.


add my new account!!



Replied to thread : Community Warning | Imperious , Scamming / Selling WRD Places

why would you even try to buy from imperious? you should really look more into the person before making large transactions, you could have at least made a thread saying "is imperious trusted" or something along the lines of that. this was kinda on you.

Replied to thread : Another Major Roblox Update

ive been waiting for this update for so long >:)

Replied to thread : why do people care so much about "skids" / "skidding"?

@Oofed yeah i made this thread about peopling using code that isn't theres (not people claiming they made something they ckearly didn't), i should have mentioned that there is no reason to care IF they gave credit or got consent from the owner of the code which they were using

Replied to thread : why do people care so much about "skids" / "skidding"?



if someones code gets leaked, isn't it there problem they shared their code? if they were so worried about it getting leaked they would keep to themselves.


like i said, if someone was using your code that you made, obviously there is a reason to care but there is no point in having a mental breakdown after someone "skidded axon"



Replied to thread : why do people care so much about "skids" / "skidding"?

yes, that would be a problem but im speaking for people who either use bases or use aspects of other peoples work that either they open source, leak or a leak from a third-party. 

Created a new thread : why do people care so much about "skids" / "skidding"?

i don't get why people care SO MUCH about "skids".


ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. do you lose sleep over "skids"?

2. do these "skids" cost you money?

3. do "skids" interupt your personal life or your personal time?


my guess is you answered no to all of those questions.

if people want to ruin their reputation in this community let them, it doesn't affect you.


BUT if someone would be pasting your work and possibly making money off of it, you have every right to be upset, but all these "CW's" on people who "skid axon" or "skid calamari" when their actions have nothing to do with you.


i mean think about it, if you want to learn how to build a PC you'll need to obtain an already built PC. and i know what you're thinking "just look up how to build a PC on youtube" do you see youtube videos on how to make "DLLs"? i don't know about you but i don't.


so shut up about people "skidding", this is the internet, there is no reason to care.


EDIT: im not talking about people who steal code, sell it, claim its theres or add a key systems. im talking about people who using other peoples code in a non-profit way and with the consent from the person who wrote the code

Replied to thread : LBI(just the bytecode)

we need the bytecode function for this to be some what useable 

Replied to thread : C# HWID LOGIN

@ecstacy_lxnny i'm pretty sure he was using that as an example, people could host their own sites and change the pastebin to their website


thanks for making this thread, i needed a good laugh.