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JustPareX (PareX)

Reputation: 8 [rate]

Joined: Sep, 2020


JS,C# Developer , Owner of




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Created a new thread : [REL] Script Cloud SRC, Xenon UI

Im quitting the com as I have no time for it anymore so Let this not go to waste


UI preview:


UI needs backend to be done(only some resizing code has be done on the ui )



Rest API/Script Cloud

Needs some improvements such as a userinfo route and I was going to add g captcha

For email verification n stuff like that, the url needs to be changed inside the src, read the src and u will undearstund



Src: Those who managed to get it , got it



Replied to thread : Key System Creator [Pre Release]

Do I have permission  to completely bypass it once its out?

Replied to thread : NEW EXPLOIT RELEASED NULLv1.0.0!!!

where is the exploit? Its null

Replied to thread : [Release] Nihon V2 | Exploiting In Style 😎

Really hot ui , Amazing  developer, go try it!

Replied to thread : [HELP] SQL and C#

I think you want to make an account system or something similiar to that. What you want to do , doesn't exactly work the way you think they do, for example. Applications like Synapse X, Script ware, Sentinel etc. with paid systems all have a Rest API, which in simple terms is a site which you can make requests to register users,delete users , store users etc. for rest api's you can use db's such as SQL as you are mentioning here. To create a rest api I personally recommend learning nodejs which has very similiar syntax to csharp but you can still make a rest api in c# with ASP.NET which I do not recommend. A good tutorial I recommend watching to learn more about rest api's and nodejs is

this , I recommend watching his channel in general to learn more about rest api's and the web.

Replied to thread : Who are skidders? [slang]

90% of the wrd community

Replied to thread : [Rel] Fixer for all Exploit Related issues

@Syraxes_ Ok, Im just saying the truth

Replied to thread : [ RELEASE! ] Roblox FPS Unlocker ( .NET ) API

Poopoo code but cool release 

Replied to thread : [ RATE ] Microsoft Office Executor ( Soon to be Open Source )

Horrible code, It looks like you didn't even try to make it good.. also atleast change the editor's theme or colors which is very very easy to do on monaco, but you didn't even do tha , very useless release.

Replied to thread : [FIX] Roblox Updated to a Beta Version

poopoo code but useful 

Replied to thread : Can the while command replace timer in certain situation

That would pause the current Thread meaning your Interface would be frozen, You need to create a new thread and run that code as Immune said.


Personally I have written a class for my projects that has an event for when my exploit attaches for example I can do:

api.OnAttached += ..

I recommend making something like that since its easy to use between different projects and It can be used for multiple stuff as well.

If you do not know how to use events check out: docs


Replied to thread : [Release/Source] C# Discord Bot

The code could be improoved , But the important part is that you know what your doing logically, Examples of where your code c an be improoved 

I saw in mutiple if cases your doing:

if(scenario ==true)

you do not need to do that, when using if , it will automatically check if its true so you would do something like this:


when returning a new object, you do not need to use a variable, for example:

 public EmbedBuilder ErrorEmbed(string Error)
            return  new EmbedBuilder()
                Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                ThumbnailUrl = null,
                Title = $"❌ Bot Error",
                Description = $"```csharp\n{Error}\n```",
                Color = new Color(205, 50, 85)

This is more of a presence here, but I recommend u do ((SocketTextChannel)Context.Channel) instead of doing Context.Channel as SocketTextChannel 


That is it from me ( dont take this offensively lol, just trying to help )