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Replied to thread : JJSploit scripts

I dont I use synapse i just want the scripts from jj cus someone of them are handy

Replied to thread : Synapse x LAGGG

The only things i have open while exploiting with synapse is roblox,synapse,a youtube tab and discord but i still get frequent fps drops

Created a new thread : Synapse x LAGGG

Does anyone have tips on making synapse not lag because whenever i inject and execute a script it has fps drops constantly

Created a new thread : JJSploit scripts

Does anyone have all the scripts from JJSploit they could send me if so pelase msg me on discord or just reply
My Discord:Boots#1862

Created a new thread : JJSploit scripts

Hi I would like to suggest releasing the scripts from JJSploit i love all of the scripts but it crashes alot so if someone can send me the scripts in a folder or something id apreciate it
My Discord:Boots#1862

Replied to thread : Synapse x key

the websites rlly cool ty

Replied to thread : Synapse x key

Still cant afford that I have $8

Replied to thread : Synapse x key

Cant afford it

Created a new thread : Synapse x key

I know its alot to ask but if anyone has a spare synapse x key Id really appreciate if you could give me it
If you can add me on discord Boots#1862