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[CW] TurkForce is skidded and rest is wrote by ChatGPT

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Yesterday while browsing YouTube I came across a video about a Roblox exploit called "TurkForce", The video was uploaded by a Turkish channel named "(Kerem) Aizen Bey," who claimed that he was the creator of the exploit and that it was a "Turkish product".

Upon further investigation, I noticed that his exploit was based on another exploit which is Xeno. The only original part appeared to be the UI which is trash tbh. So I joined his Discord server to chat with him.

During our conversation, I discovered that he had used ChatGPT to develop the exploit. He also seemed to enjoy mocking people in the comments section of his YouTube video.

Curious about his code, I opened the UI in dnSpy and was shocked by how trash the code was. I found out that while he had written an API to use Xeno, the majority of the work was based on what he claimed was generated by ChatGPT.

In conclusion, it seems like he skidded the exploit from Xeno then added a simple UI of his own design (with the help of ChatGPT) and presented it as his own creation.

Here is the decompiled source of his so-called exploit.
(Also, he’s probably still in elementary school.)
Here is some screenshots:





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Most executors use xeno. The fact he did not use a .net obfuscator is stupid.

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