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How to get lua_State?
I have created an injector that successfully injects my DLL into the game. But how to get lua_State to run luau scripts or access game.Workspace etc.? I tried to search through IDA Pro, Cheat Engine and x64dbg. I also found that it is possible to search through TaskScheduler, but besides its offset it needs lua_State offset. Maybe I'm missing a simpler way or doing something wrong?
Go and look at the SRC Ballistic, how everything works. So upgrade Method Inject
If you already have your DLL injecting, the next step is locating lua_State. TaskScheduler can work, but you still need to track the lua_State offset. Have you checked JobContext inside TaskScheduler? Another approach is signature scanning for known Lua functions like lua_newthread or lua_gettop, which often reference lua_State. Hooking existing Lua functions like spawn or loadstring can also help you dump the lua_State pointer when called. Some games store lua_State inside ScriptContext or GlobalState, so checking those structures might lead to a direct reference. What have you found so far in IDA or Cheat Engine?
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