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Trying to explain why the new devs aren't learning much

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Joined: Jul, 2024

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Like what is this inactivity, are people simply not responding or are the knowledgeable people simply not there anymore / are tired of responding to the same question again and again, there should be a Devs section that is focused on finding, categorizing and updating exploit and exploit methods. Example many people made their first c++ print exploit and just stopped because it was so hard for them to find good reliable methods to continue their exploiting journey, so i kinda feel like there should be a place for exploit devs and print exploit kiddies to share knowledge and steps because it is simply too hard to find anything relevant or it was relevant 4 years ago so yeah. I think the first thing should be to maybe pin a sort of tutorial / step by step lesson to teach how to make a print exploit, how to make it into a real exploit etc and update them accordingly every so often so that they are always relevant this might be to much, but it would greatly increase the amount and quality of the next generations of exploit devs. Because if you got here on this particular website you are probably one of those: you cheat because you find it fun, you want to learn or you are already a experienced exploit dev. First thank you to anyone who read all of that and then please share this message because remember it is always best to teach someone that will help the comunity later than to have no one in half a year to make exploits because no new generation of exploit devs have been taught and only bad exploits and viruses remain (Also there might still be old devs but what i meant was, it is better to work together than to keep this circle closed).

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hot chocolate addict

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There was a massive "developer exodus" from WRD around 2022, many developers abandoned roblox exploiting slowly as they either lost interest or did not want to persue roblox exploiting after roblox's announcement of hyperion. In regards to your question, many won't update their printsploit tutorials as then we'll have an influx of people asking why they got banned on roblox. Besides, roblox could then patch the printsploit and we'd be back at square 1. The reality is that a newer generation of developers is coming, it's just slow as there's so much more to learn now. If you want to begin learning, you will have to start from the basics and not expect people to fork over methods (check my reply at There are many guides out there to help you, you just have to have patience and a want to learn. Although this shouldn't stop older developers from guiding people to these resources and helping when they have a genuine question, no matter how stupid it can be.


HexDX_nbVKCH 0 Reputation


Thanks for your comment and, this might only be my opinion but i think 90% of the users on this forum are just here to blatently cheat to be above other non exploiters, something i cannot understand, while i can understand exploiting to learn and simply for the feeling of finding exploits i cannot understand ruining the fun of others for fun, which is not helping develop new exploit or teach people about exploits in general. Once again thanks for the comment and best of luck.

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i like tiramisu


oh i also do c/c++ and other cool programming languages like javascript, typescript, c#, java and lua

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Joined: Sep, 2024

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There are people who are still learning, like me, although I am far from a new developer. now I'm making my custom DLL

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