Categories > Exploiting > Roblox >
svp help Erreur : You're running a unsupported version ROBLOX. WRD-API is updated for version-aa6e1ad459964fc3 You are running: C:\Users\Jules\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-c9e77bcac5104752
I have a problem with JJsploit...
it's been 2 days that I try to solve the problem but nothing works...
I uninstalled Roblox and JJS then reinstalled both But nothing changes, I used a vpn and even completely disabled my anti virus but it does not change...
Please help
it puts me:
You're running a unsupported version ROBLOX. WRD-API is updated for version-aa6e1ad459964fc3
You are running: C:\Users\Jules\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-c9e77bcac5104752
Roblox updates every Wednesday.
This means Roblox improved anticheat, now all cheats stop working until exploit developers find new exploits to update the exploit you need.
Please wait while the developers fix it.
I use synapse x cause it updates in 5 minutes every time Roblox updates.
Exploits I own: Synapse x
Side exploits: JJSploit
Selling a Disney plus account msg me if interested thru discord thx
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