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Torbaz (doom)

Reputation: 1 [rate]

Joined: Aug, 2017

rasengan bro






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Replied to thread : do you guys remember me

If I know how to post gifs I would post a gif of the congratulations scene from Evangelion

Created a new thread : i have one question (real) (fake) (gone se x)

how do lads read local scripts? learning purposes only


really i am trying to learn with this 

Replied to thread : Response to "suicidal" threads.

what is the point of this post

Replied to thread : So. I'm pregnant...

i cant read this shi t

Replied to thread : Im Wyvern's Alt

@41946imagine thinking you can top jjsploit

Replied to thread : teek harassment 202

@stan2012 no, that's real


it's a joke though

Replied to thread : teek harassment 202

@TeekTacker teek why did you block me on discord we have to discuss your "list" edgelord

Replied to thread : Junior AntiSkid Club

what is the point of this 

Replied to thread : Preparing to make my next API,

i will turn you into an api

Replied to thread : TUTORIAL | How to send Embed Discord Messages w/out a selfbot

@TeekTacker i bet you my left testicle you are not getting unbanned

Replied to thread : How to know if Third Party exploits are Malicious

@jex that's cool but no one asked if you asked

Replied to thread : Junior AntiSkid Club

what if a skid who hates themselves wants to join

Replied to thread : I'm moving up


oh sorry they all kinda blend together

Replied to thread : I'm moving up

what in hellfeck is chaosity

Created a new thread : do you play doom and if you don't why not

doom is good