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StormDev (Storm)

Reputation: 0 [rate]

Joined: Jul, 2022

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bool dumbass = false;

if (dumbass) { dumbass = true; }

^^ my life weewewew


hi i c# do yes lua bbg ❤❤❤




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Replied to thread : [RELEASE] HWID System in login

This a very bad system, since you can just hook GetClientId


local mt = getrawmetatable(game)

local oldmt=mt.__namecall

mt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self,...)
  local method = getnamecallmethod()

  if method == 'GetClientId' then
         return ""; -- here you'll just have to get a hwid of a whitelisted user

   return oldmt(self,...)

Replied to thread : about jjspoilt is down MUST READ

@C0mmanche you do not have to be rich to get synapse. Buy synapse. get real.

Replied to thread : [RATE] BedWars Legit Client UI

kinda true yes i was focusing more on functionality but i still want to hear some opinions

Created a new thread : [RATE] BedWars Legit Client UI



so for the past week i've been developing this Legit client for bedwars.


just a note: this is not a cheat, its visual modifications for fun


aswell as that, it supports basically every needed api. Krnl, is a key api, EX is a keyless api, and SXLib is a paid api (aka syn)


"Why dont you add more api's 🤓🤓", there is no need to add 100 api's. They're just as bad as WRD and EX and dont get updated in 100 years ong.


Here's some pictures


also please ignore the ugly dev test button ok thx (it wont exist on release)

Replied to thread : Needing Some Opinions On My New Executor

0 effort gui that i made in an hour 

Replied to thread : Needing Some Opinions On My New Executor

@SeizureSalad instead of calling something bad you maybe should tell me how to make it better and not say "weeewwe arhggh!111 font so bad omg so bad eidtor shiett exceuctor" instead give out fixes that i can implement and make the executor better.

Replied to thread : Needing Some Opinions On My New Executor

LMAO Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Created a new thread : Needing Some Opinions On My New Executor


I've been developing this for around a good hour and i want some feedback. 

Just to clarify: I won't be using this since i have synapse, this was just a test gui to test my utilities dll that should make your life a bit easier.


If you want i can release this but i don't see a point rn


here are some screenshots i guess.


first one is main menu pretty much, second one is just a simple little Script submission that ive made with my utilities dll that has a cooldown so you cant spam the webhook


I just want opinions tbh.


(i tested w krnl and ex dll the exec works fine but i just wont be using it anymore since testing is over and i can use synapse now again)


Rate it from 1-10 if you can.


Edit: If you want the src dm me Cat Generator#7235

Replied to thread : about jjspoilt is down MUST READ

get synapse noob

Replied to thread : i need help create an c++ api for c# exploit

laucnhexploit(); 😱😱😱😱😱


Try this code:




wro35h38459 var iyes = 5t8958203+e

dfne5h8cdds490 aheijhhahah



c++ api exploti 😱😱😱😱😱 tell if work!!!!