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CatsPnewed (cxtspn≡w≡d)

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Joined: Dec, 2021

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Created a new thread : Delete my WeAreDevs account

I dont know can I ask this.

I need to delete this account permanently

Replied to thread : Help please

Use this: TopbarPlus


P.S Idk if this can be used in exploiting scripts

Created a new thread : How much earn owners of WeAreDevs?

I am not greedy, just interesting information.

Replied to thread : Cool Executor Names?

Dangerous? NukeWare or NekoWare

Replied to thread : [Misc Release] Rose .Net String Decryptor

Immune, don't forget to add that this was your lesson for me about bad obfuscators for .Net framework.
Thanks for release and vouch >3

Commented to thread : My collection of dlls on my disk

Old dll injector for roblox (from v3rmillion If I dont forget :skull:)

Commented to thread : [CW] Terminal aka Wonderx86 aka _exclsv (Skidding / Making Botnet / Selling skidded executor and a little bit more)

I meet him (If I don't forget) before all CW's about him. After your's CW,  I communicated with him very carefully

Commented to thread : My collection of dlls on my disk

Discord contact?

Commented to thread : My collection of dlls on my disk

It is Terminal's api, what 'better' sirhurt

Created a new thread : [CW] Terminal aka Wonderx86 aka _exclsv (Skidding / Making Botnet / Selling skidded executor and a little bit more)


How you maybe know, Terminal was my homie, a year ago he was smart and diplomatic person. Right now I tired of 

his toxic attitude, what towards me, his stupid and goofy jokes.  Although in the following screenshots it may seem to you that these are rofls and jokes, for greater understanding I never insulted him before this time and treated with respect. Also he blocked my friend Velo and banned him from Arcane discord server.
All other threads related to him:
Knew names:
_exlcsv (Current name in present)
Wendy (Not 100% information)
Wendeeznuts (Also not 100% information)
Also, he used Velocities wrd account to sell Arcane UI.
Chapter 1 - Skidding
Exactly, not a big secret, but you can check it by using my source leaks (this thread). There and attemps to skid axon, avalonia tabs and etc.
And this screen with his genious idea:
And this screen, where showed just LVMM (luawave) api source code archive, which is just skid of Nezzy API with some custom functions (you can trust me or dont trust, we cant show it for some our reasons): 
Also you can get a other information about his skidding before this time there
Chapter 2 - Creating BotNet
Prob Terminal wanted to add it to arcane. I dont know how it will worked,if he wanted made his exploit open source, but he didn't (prob just one source is making public for all, other source with botnet is compiling and releasing ). Pass - velo (prob changed). Velocities (My friend) only made for him web panel, nothing other.

Chapter 3 -Selling his Arcane
Right now D0V4 (Dev of Aldo, prob just terminal under other name) bought arcane with source code. Some screens of this:
P.S It is looks very ugly, and developer selling it for money, cuz it have lvl 8 (very sus). Also it's skidded open source loader screen of KRNL. D0V4 very sus.
Chapter 3.1 - A little bit info about Terminal
We know what he prob from Philipines cuz he make mention about Philipines valute in our gc:
Also we have picture of his gf :

End of this Drama
Some screenshots:

(P.S just random screenshots)
I tired of him, I wont see him anymore and talk with him anymore. And remember. Terminal < CatsPnewed


Created a new thread : My collection of dlls on my disk

I don't know why I post this, just for archive.⁠⁠⁠‌‌‌​⁠​‍​⁠​​‍⁠‍‍⁠‍‌‍⁠​

Created a new thread : LuaWave and Arcane source code for 0$

Two Terminal's aka Reterminal's aka _exclsv's exploits. For truth, he did nothing in this projects (code aspect) and I got tired of his
character. I miss him as year ago, there he was for me smart diplomatic person. I don't want to see him in my live anymore.
Arcane (Imagine selling skidded code with OxyGen api inside, old source code):
GitTea (Links):
Github (Links):
LuaWave (Skid!):
GitTea (Links):
Github (Links):

Some funny screenshots:

Created a new thread : Selenite NextGen (just announce lol)

sorry, for what there no cool thread design or smth like this

Selenite NextGen B0.
Next Generation of Selenite executor.


There no VirustTotal and download link, bcs it is only announce