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Eggy (EGGS#7467)

Reputation: -41 [rate]

Joined: Nov, 2021

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Illuminate and Nexula owner,


discord: EGGS#7467




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Replied to thread : mods forgot to -rep this?

@Vader your so stupid, i can just +rep myself from my other acc :skull:

Created a new thread : mods forgot to -rep this?

ha stoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobid

Replied to thread : Synapse X is f*cked

we know. L exploit


simplydev is w 

end wrd get me to -69 hahahaha

Replied to thread : [CW]Salex Techworks Skidding & copying UI

@SlicedOrange that wasnt there before you skid


Replied to thread : Apology for my recent actions.

Not forgiven, you have bad rep and you were extremely disrespectful aboit my mother in my server and extremely toxic, your welcome for the ban. All you ever is that you were f###ing my mother and I dont find that respectful if you didnt know

Replied to thread : Need help making multi api

        void Inject()
        if (this.FluxusRadioButton.Checked == true)
           Fluxus.Inject(); //or however the hell fluxus works, never used it's API
        else if (this.WeAreDevsRadioButton.Checked == true)
           MessageBox.Show("Please select an API...");

        private void Inject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

//Minimized version, which makes the app size smaller and run better:

void Inject(){if (this.FluxusRadioButton.Checked == true){Fluxus.Inject(); //or however the hell fluxus works, never used it's API}elseif(this.WeAreDevsRadioButton.Checked == true)}WeAreDevsModule.LaunchExploit();}else{MessageBox.Show("Please select an API before trying to 
inject...");}}private void Inject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){Inject();}

//This doesnt save after app close, however it works well and is very useful. Whenever you want to inject on a button click, just type 'Inject();'

//Execute code:
void Execute()
        if (this.FluxusRadioButton.Checked == true)
           Fluxus.ExecuteScript(); //or however the hell fluxus works, never used it's API
        else if (this.WeAreDevsRadioButton.Checked == true)
           MessageBox.Show("Please select an API...");

        private void Execute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

Replied to thread : Tutorial: How to make a Roblox Exploit with TWO APIS

Woulda used monaco but fastcoloredtextbox is easier to understand for beginners and is still pretty good

Replied to thread : Avalon Editor in Winforms?


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Replied to thread : Tutorial: How to make a Roblox Exploit with TWO APIS

SeizureSalad, good idea! Imma use that actually

Replied to thread : Tutorial: How to make a Roblox Exploit with TWO APIS

i didnt show the full code because part 2 will have that and Jex ik how to do that im not stupid

Replied to thread : Tutorial: How to make a Roblox Exploit with TWO APIS

this is just part 1 so although its just an api i am gonna be making a full exploit tutorial in parts to script hub, settings

Created a new thread : Tutorial: How to make a Roblox Exploit with TWO APIS

How to create a Roblox Exploit with Two APIS.

Part 1: Setting up the APIS and designing your exploit..


Although the code is 100% written by me, credits to Ad#3511 for teaching me in the past how to use voids.


Step 1: Design your Form and add the Editor

First, reference the FastColoredTextBox.dll and add it to toolbox (Download the file below, open Solution Explorer and right click on References to select the file.)

Download: FastColoredTextBox.dll : Free .DLL download. -


Once done, add it by searching FastColoredTextBox in toolbox and add it to the form.


Design should look like this (In this tutorial, I will not be covering how to add listboxes...)

Add some buttons, close buttons, the FastColoredEditor and the radio buttons.

Credits to developers as I did not create this image.


Step 2: Reference the APIS

Although they may not be the best apis, lets say we are using WeAreDevs_API and EsyExplos API

EsyExplos download: find their website im not gonna put it due to wrd rules

WeAreDevs download: (scroll down and download the Exploit API)


Step 3: Add your APIS to the code so that they work (Usings and stuff)

Your code should look like this:


Part 2 coming soon: Adding the code to the buttons and making it function.

Replied to thread : evaluate the awful animation of my exploit.

Nice but you didnt make this, I beleive it uses Guna/Siticone

For the green icon thing I beleive you made that, but otherwise u used something

Anyways, its nice! Just fix the buttons and stuff