"This is a lolagang exclusive" - LOLAG4NG
I can't believe you guys haven't heard of te cutest dog to exist
Activity Feed
Replied to thread : ما رأيكم يا رÙاق ÙÙŠ تاكو:sunglasses:
@59853k i am guessing you make a random thread for clout n sh
Replied to thread : GIF As Screensaver?
@65266u gon get -10 rep for creating a alt for rep evasion also why didnt u leave???
Replied to thread : ما رأيكم يا رÙاق ÙÙŠ تاكو:sunglasses:
@59853wha thread farming me dumb
Replied to thread : ما رأيكم يا رÙاق ÙÙŠ تاكو:sunglasses:
i speak arabic
What do you guys think of a taco
and the other one is
I think the taco is good
Replied to thread : Hire me for Basic Roblox Scripting (reposted from sellers)
@63002Accept my nertivia request I am LOLAG4NG:kl3M
Replied to thread : [REL] The easiest theme to ever make.
@63564leave w cho nasty ahh chat bypassing ahh random ahh
Replied to thread : temporarily leaving
@63564ur website trash btwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
imagine not coding it at all bc u suck
now leave
like u said
Replied to thread : Discord bot || Mute command
@63564The good question is why aren't you leaving? LEAVE ALREADY
Replied to thread : [SHOWCASE] Phantom Forces Script
@63564leave already
and dont let the door hit ya where mother nature split ya