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ToiletTub (お父ちゃん)

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Joined: Aug, 2023

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I just enjoy codding as a hobby


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Replied to thread : Atom is being discontinued... Well for now.

what was Atom I do remember ever seeing a thread on it

Replied to thread : How should I proceed with learning le CSharp?

Stackoverflow, jk. I prefer to learn by trying to code something and if there is something I cannot figure out I will research on how it works and learn that way. There is a lot of support out there for c# and you can basically find stuff anywhere

Replied to thread : LionerIDE comeback with even better monaco than last one

can you add more photos, you really are not showing much for claiming your best monaco

Replied to thread : Help me choose

neither realistically unless you are 12

Commented to thread : [RELEASE] Artic X KEYLESS V1.0.1B | Custom Electron DLL | Scriptblox Hub | Regular Updates & More!

@fordlostfocus Yeah im not saying co's dlls are bad I think they are pretty good, I just know people get salty when you buy something from someone that they didnt make just for you and call it custom, Im not trying to saying anything bad about Sythical if thats what it looks like

Commented to thread : [RELEASE] Artic X KEYLESS V1.0.1B | Custom Electron DLL | Scriptblox Hub | Regular Updates & More!

@Alawrpar it might not be direct download but its still required for any release thats pointing towards a download isnt it?

Replied to thread : [QUESTION] How does Celestial earn money?

The devs seem to be very active with there community so im guessing its just a hobby and they enjoy codding

Replied to thread : [RELEASE] Artic X KEYLESS V1.0.1B | Custom Electron DLL | Scriptblox Hub | Regular Updates & More!

A custom dll is saying that the dll is complete custom because you made the dll, unlike buying a dll for co and calling it custom are way different. An example using your logic is that you could say jjsploit is using a custom dll but really they just are buying one from shower you know what I mean.


What is the one saying. "Anything that can be Written in JavaScript, will Eventually be Written in JavaScript"

Commented to thread : Release | Kronos v4 | More Powerful Then Fluxus | #1 Keyless Executor | Web Script Hub

I just read through there Eula and they have it in there?

Commented to thread : Orbit | Roblox's Best Scripting IDE

True lol Content length must be 10-5000 chars