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Boho wallpapers
My friend recently bought a new house and wants to decorate it with boho-style wallpapers. He asked me for suggestions, and I want to help him choose the best ones. Can you guide me on where to look and what to consider when selecting boho wallpapers? Thanks
Boho wallpaper is perfect for creating a cozy and relaxing space where you can freely express your individuality. There are many online stores where you can buy such wallpaper. Boho is a style that combines elements of eclecticism and freedom. It takes inspiration from different cultures, eras and styles, creating a unique and warm atmosphere. Wallpaper can include elements from different cultures, such as Indian, African or Mexican motifs. Anything that is unusual and beautiful is boho style.
I like the Boho style with a classic, vintage feel. The motifs are expressed with unique carvings. You will see the spontaneity, wildness to the point of rawness of the tables and chairs. They are not even sanded or polished to preserve the original beauty of a table made of wooden panels. The natural, somewhat wild beauty of Bohemian interior style is partly expressed through wooden or natural stone partitions.
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