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Make this the default exploit tutorial.
Like let's make this thread be the main exploit tutorial for beginers, doing that it'll be simpler for new exploit devs(skids) to learn and become full fledged ones, so let's start by the very basics on how to make a print exploit and basic address stuff and go on to more advanced things later. Thanks for reading this and if you are a exploit dev that knows how to make a print exploit please share your knowledge. And i hope this can help the exploiting community.
more, more skids!!
There are few people left who are generally involved in roblox exploitation; it is unlikely that anyone will share the source code of a working exploit on roblox, while explaining how to find addresses. this is not reasonable, skids and so much after the release of xeno src changed: skids also do not learn from the source code, but steal it
It’s crazy how far we’ve come, but it’s also like—are we losing the human touch, you know? Tools and scripts are super groovy when they help us vibe better with our work, but it’s all about balance. If the tech starts calling the shots instead of us, it’s like handing the wheel over on a winding road. What’s your take? Are we steering automation the right way, or do we need to slow down and think about where it’s all heading? Peace and progress!
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HexDX_nbVKCH 0 Reputation
What can i say, i did not think about that but seriously such people exist, why would you want to steal the source code of a exploit instead of learning from it. Anyways thanks for the reply.