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JJSploit keeps asking me to unlock it after about 20 minutes.
This is the sequence of what happens:
1. I open and unlock JJSploit.
2. I use it for about 20 minutes, then it stops injecting for some reason.
3. I refresh JJSploit and it tells me I need to unlock it again.
This has been happening ever since I upgraded to 8.0.14 and never was happening on 8.0.13.
Another thing that happens is everytime I reopen JJSploit or refresh it, it always make me hit "understand" for the information.
I have unplugged and replugged my ethernet, tried using wireless and different networks, and reset my network (Completely new IP).
None has worked and this is starting to get on my nerves when I'm trying to exploit in games like RIVALS, Arsenal, etc. where if JJSploit doesn't inject then my hacks don't either.
If you could look into this that would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Another thing that is happening, is that sometimes JJSploit just won't inject even though I've unlocked and hit the understood button. I have to restart roblox entirely to fix the issue.
i actally have the same prolrem
for me when i reload my JJS it takes 1-5 sec to pop back to normal but now even when i reload my JJS or do the key system it does noting i tired close and open the JJS even using the Reload from the JJS itself but noting really worked.
You had one job, that is to do your job normally.
But you still failed
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