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Looking for script developers

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Joined: Jul, 2024

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I am looking for someone to dev me a script for this game called Demon Hunter, I just want some features that work very well such as, Auto Parry (for pvp, must work as a demon and slayer), Fast Health Regen, Infinite Clan re roll, Infinite Yen, and a few other features. I will pay $ for you to develop this script, update it, and improve and fix issues.
My discord is checkpoint486
Please add me to discuss more about this script.

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Joined: Sep, 2024

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The way roblox games work,  this might not be possible, some of them may be, but the reason exploits like these exist is because there is probably a "vulnerability" in the game, allowing people to find this, it is very possible that this could be made but it is also possible that it could not


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Joined: Aug, 2023

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Are you still looking for a developer?

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Joined: Sep, 2024

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I'm also looking for a script for the game Demon Hunter with similar features, like Auto Parry (for PvP as both demon and slayer), Fast Health Regen, Infinite Clan Re-roll, and Infinite Yen. If you find someone to develop this or have any leads, please share! I'm interested in collaborating and potentially contributing to the project as well. I have found your post mistakenly because I was looking for this website online. Actually, I got an essay assignment on a new product development topic and I don't know how to start my topic and that is why I want to read essay examples that I can read for free. I don't have enough money to hire an essay writer. That is why I was searching for a site online where I can free essay samples and I found it on the given link and while searching for it online, I found a link to your post as well.

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