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bypassing roblox's testsigning/secure boot detection
roblox has a stupid detection for testsigning/secureboot im not sure which one is casuing problems. i just wanna test my drivers and play roblox without having to restart my laptop each time. if testsigning is on and secure boot off roblox says there is an unprohibited application running lol. is there any way to bypass it or are there already bypasses?
theres no point in havinig test signing on, also im pretty sure roblox would not detect secure boot because lots of people have it on at all times and this would complelty defame the game causing multiple errors across the country, testsigning is no need when there are multiple manual driver mappers that roblox and byfron will not scan including "kdmapper", "physmeme", and many more, they clear all caches and use MmUnloadedDrivers, which is one of the functions byfron will scan but luckily kdmapper and physmeme have already cleared it after the map.
your all weirdos fo my face.
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