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skidding Apology, very half assed because I'm tired I realized it wasn't very cool of me


Espresso or Coffee

Posts: 18

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Joined: Feb, 2023

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Alright.. how do I start this? 
So lately I've been getting backlash because of some skidded crapsploits (Jupiter, and Centron), and skiding krnl monaco.
Bascially this all started like a year and a half ago when I wanted to make a roblox executor so I didn't have to get a key. 

It started to become like a weekly thing where I would just make a UI then take the code from the first executor which was part tut part crap code, and paste it in so I could use the new design. This kinda just went on until febuary or march of this year where I posted my first Crapsploit "Centron" at first it was just some comments about the UI, and how it reminded people of Elysian, or they liked the simplicity. One day I logged on to WeAreDevs, and I had about 4 notifications, I went to go check what they were, and saw that it was replys thinking people had giving me Ideas on how to make a better UI, I happily clicked. I was bumfuzzled when it was comments about the monaco. I quickly looked at the files of the monaco and saw that it was from krnl, and thought to when I first used the monaco editor in a very crappy exploit that I made a year back, I stole krnls monaco, and said it was mine. Was this Ok? No. This is not ok. I stole someones hard work and labeled it as mine, or SOFTWARE COPYRIGGHT INFRINGEMENT.  A big scary word that could be me put in jail ( not good ). I quickly replied saying it was trying to hide the fact i stole it and got caught but I soon came to relise I was in a curfuffle with a WRD mod and very mad users. After this I just stopped worrying about it like it wouldn't bite me int he ass later. Guess what happened when I logged on the next day? IT BIT ME IN THE ASS My rep had gone down for "Skidding and not caring" Which was true, and not very cool of me. A couple of weeks later started working on another Executor by the name of "Jupiter". Jupiter was a winforms executor made to try to look like WPF ( other words crappy ). Jupiter was going good until I had the bright Idea of making it Open Sourced and Release it on WRD. Jupiter was almost done I just had to do one thing, CODE IT. This was very challenging for me because I added so many things that I couldn't code in time for a good release. Guess what I did... I PASTED THE CODE FROM MY OLD EXECUTORalso pasted ). I was So ready, I was going to release a exploit that could help people get started with making roblox exploits... NO I was bombarded with people saying Im getting SUED I was so perplexed on why... then it came, the DM from Staff of Valyse. I was told that I am not getting sued! But that valyse didn't want people getting money from the API/Dll so I removed Jupiters Key system, that it came with to void the problem, but that doesn't help me still using something I didn't make then putting in something I made, But again.. I laid it off like it was nothing. Soon the bombarding of hate comments and downvotes was still coming.. It was because I had tried to cover it up, because I didn't want people to see me as a skid, someone who stole things that wasn't theirs I didn't want to be seen as a Thief even though I was. I never wanted this to happen but I got so caught up with keep my rep even that I tried to hide criminal things about myself. All in all Skidding isn't cool, I was stupid, and took things that weren't mine and said they were, or used them as if they were. This is not Okay, in anyway shape or form. As to the reasoning I tried to hide it for so long and why this thread wasn't made sooner, its because I didn't want to be seen as someting so low, and so scummy, but I ended up becoming something worse. Thank you to JJSploitOnTop (Not Owner)#9685 for making me realise I need to do this, truely a good person and cares for exploits that people like me skid. 
thank you for reading this, and understanding, or not that I am sorry for what I did. please DM me with any questions or concerns @ Espresso#7551 on discord. Have a good night.
ps; if this is in the wrong place please tell me.


detroitjack -1 Reputation


valyse is just sh, thats all I can say!

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I love Grilled Cheese

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im not reading allat also i dont think I saw u mention u skidding ur scripts

The player esp is from this video

And much more stuff I cant name all of it  
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