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roblox anti exploit thingy i found on dev forums

Posts: 13

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Joined: Mar, 2023

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alr i since a moved on to scriptware im just gonna leave a message to those who want to make a thingy to bypass this,

game:GetService("ScriptContext").Error:connect(function(message, stack, scriptFrom) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ConsoleError:FireServer(message, scriptFrom:GetFullName()) end)

game:GetService("Lighting").Name = tostring(math.random()) game:GetService("Workspace").Name = tostring(math.random()) game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Name = tostring(math.random()) game:GetService("Players").Name = tostring(math.random()) game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst").Name = tostring(math.random())

game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) spawn(function() -- open a new thread so we don't waste stuff on the playeradded connection repeat wait() until plr.Character -- Give the character some time to load wait(2) local normalWalkspeed = 16 -- This is your player's normal walkspeed, which Roblox defaults to 16. If you use something different, be sure to change this. local lastPosition = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position while wait(4) do local newPosition = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position local distTravelled = (newPosition - lastPosition).magnitude -- See how far the player's walked. local distError = 2 -- Allow some error in the distance if just for some reason the player does this -- We check every 4 seconds, so the player should have AT MAX, travelled 4 * 16 studs if ((distTravelled - distError) > 4 * normalWalkspeed) then -- Check if the distance - error is further than they should've walked. warn(plr.Name.." is probably speed hacking, they travelled", (distTravelled - (4 * normalWalkspeed)),"studs more than they should've!") end end end) end)


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badly copied

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