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Created a new thread : TESTtesteaewsw")+--+-
https://www.roblox.com/<script>alert(10)</script>its only test guys <:
Replied to thread : [Rel] Useless Password Generator | Requested by @Astronemi for Random Project Ideas
Replied to thread : What ssd size should I get to save games?
I found an xss stored vulnerability
When you fetch a new Discord image link and modify the name of the image and put javascript html or css code, it will work fine
When you put an image link, a new class will be created, which is not protected. The programmer did not focus on filtering this class
test: httpjavasript:alert(10)//cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1021469572391505920/1099287799930302525/<button onclick=alert(1)>test</button>.png
my paypal : ahmdnaser1232@gmail.com pls donate me 10 if you can <:
Also, there is a file upload loophole that I found. Believe me, I can upload any file, but if it is similar to the word jpg, your code has a problem.