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OTeo (OTeo)

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Joined: Nov, 2022

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Bananas do not come out of the ground s̵̝̳̠̞͛͠u̴̪̅f̴̡̞̞̿̚͝f̴̡̨͗̇̽̀͊ě̵̝̑r̸̼̗̰̘̂͛͂͐̚ ̷̜̫͙̤͐̅̕͠á̸͎̃ͅṉ̴̡͇̪̀̓d̴̥͖̖̃͋ ̸̜̱́p̵̗̍̂͘̕a̶̜̼̦͍̱̋̄̉ĭ̶͇̣͚͆n̷̜̻̹̎̋͊̕


hello i am oteo i am a jjsploit user because i am broke and lazy as hell




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Replied to thread : The exploit has broke due to the games's weekly update.

devs dont even care about complaints stop trying

Replied to thread : Any working exploits?

devs will not answer this one

Replied to thread : When will jjsploit be fixed?

ikr istg its been like 2 months and literally nobody is doing anything

Created a new thread : HELLOOOO ITS BEEN A MONTHHH

jesus christ, when is jjsploit being fixed

Replied to thread : The roblox executor has officially been... PATCHED.

it cant be patched, i literally used it and it actually worked just a few seconds in the game. then it crashed, i can tell they are already improving and this could just be a message to stop people from complaining and understanding the problem.

Created a new thread : jjsploit still crashes roblox 😭😭🙏🙏🙏

i mean, it got improved now. you can stay in a game for only like a few seconds but then crash

Commented to thread : JJsploit not working as of august 10th

jesus christ then how do we fix it


Created a new thread : roblox microsoft store keeps crashing when jjsploit is injected

i have seen tons of complains like these, but most of them literally have no replies or extremely useless replies like insulting the person when they didnt state how to actually fix it or the cause of it, i mean if its broken and waiting to be updated, then sure but why even insult the person when they have to sign in an account to find out the problem of something they find fun

Created a new thread : When i install Roblox on microsoft store and launch it it keeps crashing

I cant even use jjsploit because of this stupid dumb glitch, i literally used 2 computers and it still dosent work. Roblox keeps crashing

Created a new thread : i swear to god for this ERROR 268 THING

i dont even know why this is taking days to do so, i realized that the amount of people signing in increased just to post a thread, if you guys are eventually doing this on purpose in order to get more members, or your just trying to fix it, then i dont know. It works, but not so long. Its literally detectable and people are having the same problems on other exploits.

Replied to thread : literally this dumb error 258 thing in jjsploit

finally at least one reply, yes i tried other exploits such as  Fluxus , Nova , Synapse etc. But i still prefer jjsploit as its quite easy and not wasting so much time for the keys, honestly, i prefer all exploits. But i feel like jj is the main one, Its just simple plus you just click some buttons and then you fly and noclip, while you have to find a script on a website which most of them dont even work , crash your game , crashes your computers or cant even find one related.

Created a new thread : literally this dumb error 258 thing in jjsploit

ok everybody has heard this alright? Now, the thing was "fixed" 2 days ago. Now, i know the developers are fixing it. But this thing has taken EXTREMELY LONG and it has been broken like a day after it was fixed. Now, the threads that the people put in are extremely, obviously annoyed. Its very painful to see that literally noone replied to them in order to fix it or whatever. Because of this situation, people are signing in to the website just to literally talk about this glitch. All of us are impatient, nobody in this world but some nerds and teachers pets  are patient. So, I get what is the point of the glitch. It apparently kicks you out saying you have an Unexpected Behaviour, and then stops you from playing 10 - 25 minutes.  See? apparently we have got the glitch before. The devs managed to fix it, NOW, i dont know why its taking long to do so, since the last one like took a day and 13 hours or more. So, if you can politely fix it, then its a huge special thanks because we have already played Doom 2 , Minecraft , Terrira , Scratch , Sonic , Super Mario , Touching some grass , Going out for a good dinner , Having a good life, and then waiting for this glitch to get patched.