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Replied to thread : Updates to the Roblox that are coming shortly

this can be easily bypassed but alright

Created a new thread : Finding deserializer (after possible xrefs removal from roblox?)

Hello everyone, I got back into roblox after hearing about byfron since I already have a bypass and I'm just waiting for its release on roblox. Altought dumping roblox and looking at the dump searching for the usual strings I noticed there aren't most of the xref's anymore to common strings such as "bytecode version mismatch" and a some others, but talking about luau_load (deserializer) specifically this is what ida shows:

dump pic, as you can see IDA can't find any XREF, any ideas why or how I could find the function its being used in? I've tried using CE but since roblox detects it I have to use a custom build of CE which of course doesn't have DBVM drivers and to load them I had to use an efi bootloader which patches PG, and for some absurd reason it bsods for me when re-enabling DSE while for everyone else it works.