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Created a new thread : You`re running a unsupported version ROBLOX.WRD-API

I reinstalled the Roblox many times even after i restart the pc.I even download the roblox from Microsoft Store.I have no idea how to resolve this.


The PROBLEM: You're running a unsupported version ROBLOX. WRD-API is updated for version-aa6e1ad459964fc3


You are running: C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-d3bea54eff824cef

Created a new thread : You`re running a unsupported version ROBLOX.WRD-API


I reinstalled the Roblox many times even after i restart the pc.I even download the roblox from Microsoft Store.I have no idea how to resolve this.


The PROBLEM: You're running a unsupported version ROBLOX. WRD-API is updated for version-aa6e1ad459964fc3


You are running: C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-d3bea54eff824cef