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Replied to thread : windows defender whining 💀

the ransom one will give you ransomware thats why i bought a new computer 💀

Replied to thread : bro jjsploit tried to give me ransomware attack 💀

it wont let me send a pic 💀

Created a new thread : bro jjsploit tried to give me ransomware attack 💀

not gonna happen jj go find someone else

Created a new thread : kids dont complain but jj is down

dont go post about ' Oh N0 JjSpLoIt Is D0Wn pLs HElp '

Replied to thread : c00lkid script

paste it in your lua and for butterloaf cannon load without hats

Created a new thread : c00lkid script


Replied to thread : Roblox doesnt wanna work pls help it says you have been kicked due to unexpected client behavior.

@coolman4444 lol true that is every kid I cAnT eXpL0It BeCaUsE iT kIcKs Me F0R 1 HoUr AaAaAaAaAaAaAa

Replied to thread : Jjsploit is about to get obliterated and need to get new major updates let me explain.

yea they installed a new anti cheat system wich you cant even exploit for 10 minutes and kicks you due to unexpected client behaviour

Replied to thread : unexpected client behaviour

same you cant fix it my game doesnt work for like 3 minutes just wait one hour and then try again if it happens again use another executor

Created a new thread : novaline kicks me and idk if i am or not using the right injector

novaline kicks me 'due to unexpected client behaviour'  also does the scripts only work on novaline or can it work on jj too

Created a new thread : and there it goes again

all i got to say is this one word



Replied to thread : Novaline doesn't work, or should I say kicks me.

sometimes this lego game hack does too just wait 1 hour

Created a new thread : unsupported version bug? ok please fix it

not gonna wine about lego hacks