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Replied to thread : learning lua

If you do not have any coding experience. I highly recommend you learn the fundamentals like

-Variables ( local VARAIBLE_NAME = VALUE; )


-Data Types (  Integer, String, Object, Array )

-Functions and Function Calls



--Arthemetic Operators ( + , - , *, / , %)

--Increment/Decrement Operators ( ++, -- )

--Relational Operators ( <, > , == )

--Logical Operators ( AND( && ), OR( || ), NOT( ! ) ) 

--Assignement Operators ( = )

--Arithemetic Assignment Operators ( +=, *= , -= , /= )


-Arrays And it's Methods ( local VARAIBLE_NAME = [ITEM_IN_INDEX_1,ITEM_IN_INDEX_2..] )


-Loops (for loop , while loop etc)


-If Else Statements


-Objects ( local VARAIBLE_NAME = { KEY_1/PROPERTY_1: VALUE,  KEY_2/PROPERTY_2: VALUE...} )


It's your choice which langauge you want to start with, i would recommand easier languages like javascript (Extremely simple and straight forward langauge).