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Jeffery23 (Jeff)

Reputation: 0 [rate]

Joined: Jun, 2022


Yes I am who you think I am: A rando.




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Replied to thread : I have a question about the 3rd party exploits in the "Exploits" tab

They're false positives. I think it means that it does suspicious things and Windows thinks is bad when it isnt.

Replied to thread : what were your first exploit that you ever used?

I used JJSploit as my first cheat.

Replied to thread : DISLIKE PLUGIN FIXED

I don't see a dislike button on the post?

Replied to thread : JJ sploit not working

I have this too. If any of you all know a fix keep me posted.

Replied to thread : [Rate] Rate UI Lib (NOT FINISHED)

This actually doesn't look too bad imo i would probably rate this at a 7/10. What I would do is match the Y sizes of the objects in the left and right list. I think it would look perfect after that.

Created a new thread : Hey, I'm new here

I'm Jeff, and I have been developing games for Roblox. I recently got into exploiting around three weeks back because I was bored of creating games that no one would play. Anyways, I just wanted to greet myself and get my toes wet. Is there anything I should know about this community that you'd like to tell me, before I dive in?