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Joined: Feb, 2022

"If America killing by drone our nation, they should wait for revenge of our nation."


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I like to dissect girls, did you know I'm utterly insane?




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Created a new thread : 3/16/2022 Wednesday update: Why are my pro lego hax broken?

As of typing this, it's 10:03 PM in SE United States and David Buszucki has done my mom 268 times every time I try to join the game.


List of possible/confirmed exploits, scripts and other things broken (add more in comments)

- Jailbreak broken on Evo V2 (confirmed)


- Everyone and their dog who's exploited today getting Error 268 (partially confirmed), speculated to be HWID ban by some (unconfirmed)


- General bugs across most executors as the Indian mods get back to work on preventing the little children from having their games destroyed (partially confirmed)


- KRNL users who have not updated yet are still using the 2012W variant (confirmed by me)


Wasn't sure if this belongs in complaints or here, if it's misplaced, move it please and I'll take note. 


please dont ignore me i do not get attention that is why i exploit

Replied to thread : What would you do since big war is about to start

"because I want to experience COD irl"


When you're like, being attacked day in and day out with BM-30s and seeing people dying, you would very quickly not want to do so. It turns out that if you die or get crippled it's permanent. 


Now, for me here, I'm not old enough to be conscripted and congress has not restarted selective service and is unlikely to even if a several front war starts, but in a bit I'll be able to enlist into the United States armed forces. Already planning to go with the Air Force National Guard when I'm able to, so if a theoretical third world war begins at a point where I may enlist, I would before potentially being conscripted as not being able to choose your MOS sucks ass.

Replied to thread : do you pour cereal or milk first?

@kiwidevelopment I like to snort it, not drink it, thank you.