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farm_animal (im a animal)

Reputation: 0 [rate]

Joined: Jul, 2021

Exploits I have: Synapse, Sentinel, SirHurt - Suspended

Exploits I'm Staff at: Sentinel, Fluxus, Project Reptile, SirHurt ~ Old One, it's bad now.

For Business: farm animal#1253


I'm a developer the languages I currently know are: Lua, HTML, JavaScript, Python. I'm learning : C++, C#. I know a little in it but not fluent as I would say.




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Created a new thread : Project Reptile ~ Free ServerSide ~ Good games, good community, well built UI ~

Hello, I'm one of the two developers at Project Reptile. I understand some people do not have an interest in ServerSides and love exploits which you don't need to read this thread. I hope everyone here is having the best day of their lives, but I've recently hosted up a completely free ServerSide which hopefully will receive a few good games. If you have no interest and hate server sides, please don't write a bad comment just leave this thread with open arms and I hope you have a nice rest of your day!


A little bit about this serverside// What is a serverside?


A serverside is an in-game sort of exploit that allows you to do amazing things with requires that people can see. The one good thing about our serverside is the UI is very stable and we're always a loving/talking community in the discord. If you'd consider joining here's the link <3!


Sneak Peeks are on the server, if you'd like you can join, and if you don't find any interest you can leave :)! -- Link 


This is the end of this short thread, sorry it looks really bad not talented in this stuff just talented at what I do. Developing!?! Good day.

Replied to thread : [Exploit] Atlantis | "Custom DLL" | Good Community | Owned by Your Local Kindergarten

I'm the DLL developer, didn't make the current one that they're using. Don't give me any stuff for it since that version ISN'T mine. I Will do a dll when the new UI comes out, sorry just once again the DLL isn't mine. 


print("for business things my discord is farm animal#1253")