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plshelpmern (nitro begger)

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Joined: Jan, 2021

v3rmillion says im a multi accounter is v3rm sick? i only have one account and that's my main forever


i use jjsploit (bad) i want krnl v3rmillion says im a multi accounter




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Created a new thread : removing jjsploit

i deleted jjsploitv5 but my anti virus and file explorer still shows that there's a trace of it but I'm unable to remove it help pls?


Replied to thread : Infinite Yield

beginner uhh whats inf yield im a dumbass lol

Replied to thread : Rage Runner Auto Farm

works but after it server hop uhh apparently roblox crashes not the exploit

Replied to thread : jon was never ratted

@59853ik did u think  i would believe a yt who never exploits

Replied to thread : jjsploit won't work it deleted the DLL and im in a skool computer

@66043where are ur brains in the first place this is common sense

Replied to thread : IS COCO Z A VIRUS

lmfao i see like 99999999 threads saying exploits are virus every week lmao

Replied to thread : IS COCO Z A VIRUS

lmfao i see like 99999999 threads saying exploits are virus every week lmao

Replied to thread : jon was never ratted

@59853this has been circulating mainly because a yt konekokitten posted a video about owner of dansploit being ratted and he included the wearedevs (jon) being ratted that video got 2.2 m views and I think he was mainly trying to stop robloxians from being influenced .. sorry for posting on a old thread pls pin this btw (so more people know)

Created a new thread : krnl so what's been going on with krnl?

cant download it some people say something like it getting discontinued or it got deleted or somethin . . . ?

Replied to thread : jjsploit just discussing ain't a complaint

@59853i thought u said u will be inactive btw?

Replied to thread : jjsploit just discussing ain't a complaint

@59853i thought u said u will be inactive btw?

Replied to thread : jjsploit just discussing ain't a complaint

tysm for the explanation :relief:

Created a new thread : jjsploit just discussing ain't a complaint

why does something that looks like command prompt pop up and close quickly upon injection (just asking DONT BE SARCASTIC IN THE REPLIES OR TELL ME I POSTED IN THE WRONG SECTION)

Replied to thread : jjsploit crash

for me jjsploit keeps on showing debug info 3,6 anybody can help?

Created a new thread : [REQ] ARSENAL INF ROUNDS SCRIPT

I've joined some arsenal servers where the  game doesn't end people on Twitter say it's an exploit so I wanted to annoy my friends (etc they join a server I join their server and execute the script and he leaves and he joins a new server I join also and execute the script till he's annoyed i just want to troll basically ) pls send in pastebin or linkvetise I'm just gonna use linkvertise bypasser v3 idc