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Joined: Dec, 2020




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Created a new thread : Krnl Autoexecute

I was trying to use krnl autoexecute to automatically auto execute the a script incase the game kicked me.  I tried adding a text file with the script in the autoexec folder and won't execute, any suggestions?



  1. getgenv().mainKey = "nil"
  3. local a,b,c,d,e=loadstring,request or http_request or (http and http.request) or (syn and syn.request),assert,tostring,""c(a and b,"Executor not Supported")a(b({Url=e.."\?\107e\121\61"..d(mainKey),Headers={["User-Agent"]="Eclipse"}}).Body)()

Replied to thread : [REQ] Islands GUI that is updated

Created a new thread : [REQ] Islands GUI that is updated

I have been noticing that the only islands GUI to my knowledge, the void script gui, is pretty outdated and dead, is tehre any other Island GUI that is updated?

Replied to thread : [REQ] Does anybody know how to loop a radio ID in MM2?

I got this when I clicked on the play button:

-- Script generated by SimpleSpy - credits to exx#9394


Replied to thread : [REQ] Does anybody know how to loop a radio ID in MM2?

I only understand 25% of what you're saying, but from what I understand is this:  Use RemoteSpy from IY to see if there is an input from the radio and from there you can make a script?

Created a new thread : [REQ] Does anybody know how to loop a radio ID in MM2?

As I AFK I want to blast my horrible song ID's 24/7, but each round I have to manually select play, is there a way to automatically do this?

I am also looking for a global song ID script

Created a new thread : Any way to modify this sharkbite script?

The script: loadstring(game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://3623753581")[1].Source)()

I wanna try and make a system that can AFK TP to shark and rain down bullets

Created a new thread : Anybody know if the eclispe MM2 script is patched?

I can't crash people like normal and I can't farm coins

Created a new thread : simple Anti-AFK script


Replied to thread : Dragon Adventures Scripts

what is the farm script?  I could get that and run it overnight

Created a new thread : Krnl corruption

Whenever I rerun Krnl bootstrapper, the .Exe file is always corrupted, any clue to why?

Created a new thread : {REQ} Tower defense simulator admin give cash or whatever

it may be possible because cash I think is client sided, people have been able to use scripts to summon airstrikes that aren't supposed to exist, so I dont see why a give cash script isn't possible, btw cash as in to place towers, not to buy them from the shop

Created a new thread : {REQ} Tower defense simulator autoability

Can anybody make a script that chains the commanders ability automatically?

Replied to thread : OP MM2 SCRIPT NOT MINE

I didn't even test this, but I feel like it's just the eclipse script raw data

Replied to thread : TDS Gui interaction script

what's fireserver?