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WetWipes (Professional Idiot)

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Joined: Sep, 2020

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Open to help anyone with anything, DM me on discord :)


Discord username: thewetwipes


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Created a new thread : How can I improve this farm?

So here is a basic auto farm, what's some things that I can do to make this better in terms of the farm itself, minus adding basic stuff like toggles, death checkers etc? How can I make this more efficient/better?

When I do this method it works but sometimes when I use someone else's script their code works much better.

while wait() do
game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = *, 0, 0)).Position, game.Workspace.Enemies.Enemy.HumanoidRootPart.Position)

Replied to thread : I cant find my scripts that i put in scripts folders in electron!

Is it that the script file is not showing or the scripts simply aren't showing in the folder?



Replied to thread : [HELP] How do i detect when a part moves over a certain Position

You could loop this If part.CFrame = the coordinates needs to be)


or if you need it to activate when its NEAR another part you could do this 

local PartOne = game.Workspace.PartOne
local PartTwo = game.Workspace.PartTwo

local function GetDistance(d1,d2)
    local Distance = (d1.Position - d2.Position).magnitude
    return Distance

while wait() do
    if GetDistance(PartOne, PartTwo) < 15 then --If PartOne is within 15 studs of PartTwo it activates

Replied to thread : Does anybody have an http spy that logs ingame stuff?

I'm fairly sure you cannot get that webhook as the script is probably server sided however, you might be able to abuse the remote (:FireServer, :InvokeServer etc) and spam the webhook, if the game is made that way.

Replied to thread : Does anybody have an http spy that logs ingame stuff?

I'm fairly sure you cannot get that webhook as the script is probably server sided however, you might be able to abuse :FireServer and spam the webhook, if the game is made that way.

Replied to thread : my epic script for blockate!!! (satire)

I mean, the free AztupBrew obfuscation is better than this, cmon man.

Replied to thread : My personal statement

This ain't build a beach (a beach)

You don't get to pick and choose

Different ass and bigger bobs

If my eyes are brown or blue

This ain't build a beach (a beach)

I'm filled with flaws and attitude

So if you need perfect, I'm not built for you (yeah)

Bob the Builder broke my heart

Told me I need fixing

Said that I'm just nuts and bolts

Lot of parts were missing

Curvy like a cursive font

Virgin and a vixen

That's the kind of girl he wants

But he forgot

This ain't build a beach (a beach)

You don't get to pick and choose

Different ass and bigger bobs

If my eyes are brown or blue

This ain't build a beach (a beach)

I'm filled with flaws and attitude

So if you need perfect, I'm not built for you (one, two, three, ooh)

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

The boys are always playing dolls

Looking for their Barbie

They don't look like Ken at all

Hardly have a heartbeat

Need someone who falls apart

So he can play Prince Charming

If that's the kind of girl he wants

Then he forgot

This ain't build a beach (a beach)

You don't get to pick and choose

Different ass and bigger bobs

If my eyes are brown or blue

This ain't build a beach (a beach)

I'm filled with flaws and attitude

So if you need perfect, I'm not built for you (one, two, three)

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la

Replied to thread : How to find needed folder?

For anyone else that is also looking on how to do this, this is how :)

for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.fixtures:GetChildren()) do

Fixtures would be the name of the folder or object that your trying to find the stuff inside of :)

Replied to thread : (Tutorial) - How to teleport your avatar to a place in roblox lua

For anyone looking, here is a nice and simple one!

local TpS = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local PlaceID = -- Put the place id here :)
TpS:Teleport(PlaceID, Player)

Replied to thread : [REQUEST] egg hatchers x

Can you link the game for me? I'll take a look.

Replied to thread : I'm done exploiting.

@jugugalu, Not even worth fixing that problem, switch to Krnl.

Replied to thread : Ski hub Number 1 fe script and farming script

Nice script but please use elseif, nice suggestion would be a checker to see if it has loaded or not I made one not too long ago. It'd be a nice feature to add.

Replied to thread : Windows Defender Issue

I ran into this problem when trying to use EFT Cheats, this is what I did and some other options that I learnt I could use.


You could try running powershell (as an admin) and then trying these commands:


  1. run get-AppxPackage Microsoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage


if this one doesn't work then this one probably wont either but it's worth a try


  1. run Add-AppxPackage -Register -DisableDevelopmentMode
  2. "C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI_cw5n1h2txyewy\AppxManifest.xml
  3. run get-AppxPackageMicrosoft.SecHealthUI -AllUsers | Reset-AppxPackage


then restart your pc and see if it works. Some other options could be seeing if windows needs and update.

Another option could be trying to repair windows?


Hope these work!




Replied to thread : Rich Clicker Simulator! [Auto Click]

For future reference you can just do wait(), you don't need to do wait(0.00000001) the difference between the two is negligible.

Created a new thread : [Release] Noob Army Tycoon AFK Farm

Somebody requested that I make this, it's pretty simple but I don't think theres many other script like this after looking for some.



To use this you have to put it into your executors autoexecute folder, as well as this, before running the script you must have played the game before and bought at least one thing.