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Created a new thread : help with ContextActionService

So basically, everything works normally until you unequip the item.

Currently, I have made lots of items, then randomly, it broke as they started using all the abilities when you unequip it, also even before that, it would use one ability when you unequip it, how may I fix this?

Honestly, it's probably me being dumb, but here's some of my code I usually use:

local remote = script.Parent:WaitForChild("TestRemote")
local CAS = game:GetService("ContextActionService")

local function testAbility


Also, I will say that the CAS binding and unbinidngs are in tool.Equipped and tool.UnEquipped

Commented to thread : how do i get rid of this

tysm, i guess i was just dumb

Commented to thread : how do i get rid of this

No, I'm talking about the little bar that controls the speed under the view selector

Created a new thread : how do i get rid of this

this randomly appeared and i hate it

it controls my camera speed, but id rather have it accelerate over time

its a little bar under the the blox showing x, y, and z axis and showing the faces

Replied to thread : how do I get place ids

game.PlaceId is for the game your currently in, i must view a id of a place that is connected through the main game

Replied to thread : how do I get place ids

sorry for making your brain hurt

Created a new thread : how do I get place ids

for example, catalog gear place has many different places, one of them being a winter event place.

since i can't teleport there without the id, i need to get the id while being in the main game or something.

Can anyone help with this?