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Created a new thread : newcclosure issue in metamethod hooks
Hi, my newcclosure works fine but when used in a metamethod hook it suddenly starts causing a lot of lag and a crash in the game.
I don't know why it happens so I'd appreciate some help.
btw i already confirmed it is newcclosure thanks to some testing.
int newcclosurehandler(lua_State* ls){
auto nargs = lua_gettop(ls);
// we dont wanna copy the args so we insert the func at the top ;
lua_pushvalue(ls, lua_upvalueindex(1));
int status = api::rlua_pcall(ls, nargs, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
if (status && strcmp(lua_tostring(ls,-1), "attempt to yield across metamethod/C-call boundary") == 0) return lua_yield(ls,0);
return lua_gettop(ls); // return all results
int newcclosure(lua_State* ls){
luaL_checktype(ls, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION);
if (lua_iscfunction(ls, 1)) {
return 1;
lua_pushcclosurek(ls, newcclosurehandler, 0, 1,0);
auto ncl = ((Closure*)lua_topointer(ls, -1));
return 1;
Commented to thread : What is the easiest "way of execution" for scripts for a beginner to c++ (lbi, bc, proto)
Commented to thread : What is the easiest "way of execution" for scripts for a beginner to c++ (lbi, bc, proto)
That's to compile the whole source and experiment with it, what you want are the Ast, Common and Compiler Folders for the Luau Compiler, i recommend looking at sources like Maven or SimpleExecutor as they are easy to understand and should give you a better idea of it.
Replied to thread : What is the easiest "way of execution" for scripts for a beginner to c++ (lbi, bc, proto)
Im not an expert so i might be wrong and if i am please correct me but try starting with simply compiling your scripts using Roblox's open source luau compiler and then loading the bytecode using luau_load or LuaVM::Load ( need to compress it first with this one ) and finally executing it using task defer.
Here's the luau repo