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Replied to thread : Kato Android

because im the best and everything i touch becomes the best mate

Created a new thread : Kato Android

Commented to thread : Cheapest Mod Menus |

god youre cringe flexing how many posts you have on a forum

Replied to thread : hey alexa! whats the best way to make auto attach

@reversed_coffee, I don't know why youre acting like such a smart ass when in reality you said a whole bunch of nonsense, 


anyway as for the advice you gave, you don't have to check for debugger thats stupid and inefficient and everything about that doesn't make sense why would you do that


I also don't see how making a new thread (which is stupid either way) would block any sort of task like updating, the whole point of multi-threading





s asynchrounity, apart from that use tasks not new Thread because that makes a new system thread which is inefficient,


as for "spoonfeeding" this is the most annoying anwser you can possibly give, not only because everything you said was pretty much incorrect, but also as for an actual decent solution here:


public class ProcessWatcher
public Process Process = new Process();
public delegate void Delegate(Process process);
public event Delegate Created;
public bool GetProcess(string processName)
Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName(processName);
if (processes.Length < 1)
return false;
foreach (var process in processes)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(process.MainWindowTitle))
Process = process;
return true;
return false;
public void Auto()
while (!GetProcess());
Process.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
Process.Exited += (ignore, ignore2) =>